Maverick – Crew – Season 2


Art Director

  • Howard Campbell: The Day They Hanged Bret Maverick; The Lonesome Reunion; Alias Bart Maverick; High Card Hangs; Escape to Tampico; The Judas Mask; The Jail at Junction Flats; Shady Deal at Sunny Acres; Island in the Swamp; Prey of the Cat; Holiday at Hollow Rock; The Spanish Dancer; Game of Chance; Gun-Shy; Two Beggars on Horseback; The Rivals; Duel at Sundown; Yellow River; The Saga of Waco Williams; Brasada Spur; Passage to Fort Doom; Two Tickets to Ten Strike; Betrayal; The Strange Journey of Jenny Hill
  • Perry Ferguson: The Belcastle Brand
  • Leo K. Kuter: The Thirty-Ninth Star

Assistant Director

  • Rusty Meek: The Day They Hanged Bret Maverick; The Lonesome Reunion; High Card Hangs; The Judas Mask; Two Beggars on Horseback; The Rivals; Brasada Spur
  • Don Page: Alias Bart Maverick; The Thirty-Ninth Star; Shady Deal at Sunny Acres; Passage to Fort Doom
  • Robert Farfan: The Belcastle Brand; The Jail at Junction Flats; Holiday at Hollow Rock; The Spanish Dancer; Duel at Sundown; The Saga of Waco Williams
  • Eddie Prinz: Escape to Tampico
  • Claude Binyon: Island in the Swamp
  • Claude E. Archer: Prey of the Cat
  • Charles L. Hansen: Game of Chance; Gun-Shy
  • C. Carter Gibson: Yellow River; Two Tickets to Ten Strike; The Strange Journey of Jenny Hill
  • Bill Kissell: Betrayal

Director of Photography

  • Harold Stine: The Day They Hanged Bret Maverick; The Lonesome Reunion; Alias Bart Maverick; Escape to Tampico; The Thirty-Ninth Star; Shady Deal at Sunny Acres; Island in the Swamp; Prey of the Cat; The Spanish Dancer; Game of Chance; Two Beggars on Horseback; Duel at Sundown
  • Edwin Du Par: The Belcastle Brand; The Jail at Junction Flats; Passage to Fort Doom
  • Ralph Woolsey: High Card Hangs; The Judas Mask; Holiday at Hollow Rock; Two Tickets to Ten Strike; The Strange Journey of Jenny Hill
  • Perry Finnerman: Gun-Shy; The Rivals; The Saga of Waco Williams; Betrayal
  • Wesley Anderson: Yellow River; Brasada Spur

Film Editor

  • Carl Pingitore: The Day They Hanged Bret Maverick; Alias Bart Maverick; Shady Deal at Sunny Acres; Gun-Shy; Brasada Spur; The Strange Journey of Jenny Hill
  • Harold Minter: The Lonesome Reunion; Two Beggars on Horseback
  • Frank O’Neill: The Belcastle Brand; Yellow River; Two Tickets to Ten Strike
  • Elbert K. Hollingsworth: High Card Hangs; The Judas Mask; Prey of the Cat; The Spanish Dancer; The Strange Journey of Jenny Hill
  • Robert Watts: Escape to Tampico; Island in the Swamp; The Saga of Waco Williams
  • Fred M. Bohanan: The Jail at Junction Flats
  • Robert T. Sparr: The Thirty-Ninth Star; Holiday at Hollow Rock
  • Robert B. Warwick, Jr.: Game of Chance; Passage to Fort Doom
  • Walter S. Stern: The Rivals; Yellow River; Two Tickets to Ten Strike
  • James Moore: Duel at Sundown
  • David Wages: Yellow River; Passage to Fort Doom
  • Basil Wrangell: Betrayal

Makeup Supervisor: Gordon Bau

Production Manager: Oren W. Haglund

Set Decorator

  • William Wallace: The Day They Hanged Bret Maverick; The Lonesome Reunion; The Belcastle Brand; The Jail at Junction Flats; The Spanish Dancer; Yellow River; The Saga of Waco Williams; Brasada Spur; Passage to Fort Doom; Betrayal
  • Mowbray F. Berkeley: Alias Bart Maverick; The Thirty-Ninth Star
  • Jerry Welch: High Card Hangs; Escape to Tampico; Holiday at Hollow Rock; Two Beggars on Horseback; The Rivals; Duel at Sundown
  • Fay Babcock: The Judas Mask
  • Frank M. Miller: Shady Deal at Sunny Acres; Game of Chance; Gun-Shy
  • Alfred E. Spencer: Island in the Swamp; Prey of the Cat
  • Ben Bone: Two Tickets to Ten Strike; The Strange Journey of Jenny Hill

Sound by

  • Samuel F. Goode: The Day They Hanged Bret Maverick; The Lonesome Reunion; The Belcastle Brand; The Jail at Junction Flats; Island in the Swamp; Game of Chance; Two Beggars on Horseback; Passage to Fort Doom
  • M.A. Merrick: Alias Bart Maverick; Two Tickets to Ten Strike
  • Stanley Jones: High Card Hangs; Shady Deal at Sunny Acres; Duel at Sundown; The Saga of Waco Williams
  • Leslie G. Hewitt: High Card Hangs
  • Francis E. Stahl: Escape to Tampico; Holiday at Hollow Rock
  • B.F. Ryan: The Judas Mask
  • Francis J. Scheid: The Thirty-Ninth Star; Gun-Shy
  • Theodore B. Hoffman: Prey of the Cat
  • Earl Crain, Sr.: ; The Spanish Dancer
  • Robert B. Lee: The Rivals; Yellow River; Brasada Spur; Betrayal; The Strange Journey of Jenny Hill

Supervising Film Editor: James Moore

Executive Producer: William T. Orr

Produced by Roy Huggins

Song: “Maverick” – Music by David Buttolph.  Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster

Episodes Copyright: 1958 (1-13, 15), 1959 (14, 16-26)

Warner Brothers