Maverick – Crew – Season 4


Art Director

  • William Campbell: All except for The Maverick Line
  • John Ewing: The Maverick Line

Assistant Director

  • Fred Scheld: The Bundle from Britain; Last Wire from Stop Gap; Flood’s Folly; The Deadly Image
  • Dick L’Estrange: Hadley’s Heroes; Arizona Black Maria
  • Phil Rawlins: The Town That Wasn’t There; Benefit of Doubt
  • Rex Bailey: Mano Nera; Bolt from the Blue; The Cactus Switch
  • Victor Vallejo: A Bullet for the Teacher
  • William Kissel: The Witch of Hound Dog
  • James T. Vaughn: Thunder from the North; The Maverick Line; Destination Devil’s Flat
  • Sam Schneider: Kiz; Maverick at Law
  • B.F. McEveety: Dodge City or Bust
  • John F. Murphy: The Bold Fenian Men
  • John F. Murray: A State of Siege; Substitute Gun
  • Richard Maybery: Family Pride; Dutchman’s Gold; Last Stop Oblivion
  • D. Jack Stubbs: The Ice Man; Triple Indemnity
  • Dick L’Estrange: Diamond Flush; The Devil’s Necklace Part I; The Devil’s Necklace Part II
  • Claude Binyon, Jr.: Red Dog
  • Gene Anderson, Sr.: The Forbidden City

Director of Photography

  • Ralph Woolsey: The Bundle from Britain; The Bold Fenian Men; The Forbidden City
  • Bert Glennon: Hadley’s Heroes
  • Willard Van der Veer: The Town That Wasn’t There
  • Wesley Anderson: Arizona Black Maria
  • Glen MacWilliams: Last Wire from Stop Gap
  • Carl Berger: Mano Nera; The Ice Man; Last Stop Oblivion; The Deadly Image
  • Ray Fernstrom: A Bullet for the Teacher
  • Jack Marquette: The Witch of Hound Dog; Destination Devil’s Flat; Maverick at Law; Triple Indemnity; The Devil’s Necklace Part I; The Devil’s Necklace Part II
  • Floyd Crosby: Thunder from the North
  • Perry Finnerman: The Maverick Line
  • Harold Stine: Bolt from the Blue
  • Walter Castle: Kiz; Dodge City or Bust
  • Edwin Du Par: A State of Siege
  • Willard Van der Veer: Family Pride; Dutchman’s Gold; Diamond Flush; Substitute Gun; Benefit of Doubt
  • Ellis Carter: The Cactus Switch
  • Louis Jennings: Flood’s Folly; Red Dog

Film Editor

  • John M. Haffen: The Bundle from Britain; Diamond Flush
  • Robert Jahns: The Bundle from Britain
  • Fred M. Bohanan: Hadley’s Heroes
  • James W. Graham: The Town That Wasn’t There; The Maverick Line; Dodge City or Bust
  • Lloyd Nosler: Arizona Black Maria; A Bullet for the Teacher; The Cactus Switch
  • Milt Kleinberg: Last Wire from Stop Gap
  • Clarence Kolster: Mano Nera; Family Pride; The Ice Man; Substitute Gun
  • John Hall: The Witch of Hound Dog; The Deadly Image
  • Norman Suffern: Thunder from the North
  • William W. Moore: Bolt from the Blue
  • Holbrook N. Todd: Kiz; Diamond Flush
  • Stefan Arnsten: The Bold Fenian Men
  • Robert L. Wolfe: Destination Devil’s Flat; Flood’s Folly
  • Leo Shreve: A State of Siege
  • Cliff Bell: Dutchman’s Gold; Last Stop Oblivion; Triple Indemnity; The Devil’s Necklace Part I
  • Victor C. Lewis, Jr.: Maverick at Law
  • Robert Crawford: Maverick at Law; The Forbidden City
  • Harry Reynolds: Red Dog; The Devil’s Necklace Part II
  • David Wages: Benefit of Doubt

Makeup Supervisor: Gordon Bau

Music Editor

  • Erma E. Levin: The Bundle from Britain; Bolt from the Blue; Maverick at Law; The Devil’s Necklace Part I; The Devil’s Necklace Part II
  • George E. Marsh: Hadley’s Heroes; Family Pride; The Forbidden City
  • Charles Paley: The Town That Wasn’t There; The Cactus Switch; Substitute Gun
  • Sam E. Levin: Arizona Black Maria; The Bold Fenian Men; Triple Indemnity
  • John Allyn, Jr.: Last Wire from Stop Gap; The Ice Man
  • Donald K. Harris: Mano Nera; Dutchman’s Gold; Benefit of Doubt
  • Jack B. Wadsworth: A Bullet for the Teacher
  • Louis W. Gordon: The Witch of Hound Dog; Diamond Flush
  • Robert Phillips: Thunder from the North; Last Stop Oblivion
  • Joe Inge: The Maverick Line; Dodge City or Bust; Red Dog
  • Theo B. Sebern: Kiz; A State of Siege; The Deadly Image
  • Norman Bennett: Destination Devil’s Flat; Flood’s Folly

Music Supervision

  • Paul Sawtell
  • Bert Shefter

Produced by

  • Coles Trapnell: The Bundle from Britain; Hadley’s Heroes; The Town That Wasn’t There; Arizona Black Maria; Last Wire from Stop Gap; Mano Nera; A Bullet for the Teacher; The Witch of Hound Dog; Thunder from the North; The Maverick Line; Bolt from the Blue; Kiz; Dodge City or Bust; The Bold Fenian Men; Destination Devil’s Flat; A State of Siege; Family Pride; Dutchman’s Gold; Diamond Flush; Last Stop Oblivion; Flood’s Folly; The Deadly Image; The Forbidden City
  • Howie Horwitz: The Cactus Switch; Red Dog
  • Arthur W. Silver: The Ice Man; Maverick at Law; Triple Indemnity; Substitute Gun; Benefit of Doubt; The Devil’s Necklace Part I; The Devil’s Necklace Part II

Set Decorator

  • Jerry Welch: The Bundle from Britain; Hadley’s Heroes; The Town That Wasn’t There; A Bullet for the Teacher; The Witch of Hound Dog; The Maverick Line; Dodge City or Bust; Destination Devil’s Flat; A State of Siege; The Cactus Switch; Diamond Flush; Flood’s Folly; Red Dog; Triple Indemnity; Substitute Gun; Benefit of Doubt; The Devil’s Necklace Part I; The Devil’s Necklace Part II
  • Ralph S. Hurst: Arizona Black Maria; Last Wire from Stop Gap
  • Gene Redd: Mano Nera; Thunder from the North
  • Albert E. Kegerris: Bolt from the Blue
  • Fay Babcock: Kiz
  • Hal Overell: The Bold Fenian Men; Family Pride
  • Glenn P. Thompson: Dutchman’s Gold; The Ice Man; Last Stop Oblivion; Maverick at Law; The Deadly Image
  • Patrick C. Delaney: The Forbidden City

Sound by

  • Francis E. Stahl: The Bundle from Britain; A Bullet for the Teacher; The Forbidden City
  • Ross Owen: Hadley’s Heroes; Thunder from the North; Family Pride; Diamond Flush; Maverick at Law
  • Frank McWhorter: The Town That Wasn’t There
  • B.F. Ryan: Arizona Black Maria; The Maverick Line; The Ice Man
  • Stanley Jones: Last Wire from Stop Gap; Mano Nera; Bolt from the Blue; Flood’s Folly; Red Dog; Triple Indemnity
  • Theodore B. Hoffman: The Witch of Hound Dog
  • Charles Althouse: Kiz; The Devil’s Necklace Part I; The Devil’s Necklace Part II
  • Samuel F. Goode: Dodge City or Bust; A State of Siege
  • John K. Kean: The Bold Fenian Men; Substitute Gun
  • M.A. Merrick: Destination Devil’s Flat; Substitute Gun
  • Robert B. Lee: The Cactus Switch; Benefit of Doubt
  • Donald McKay: Dutchman’s Gold; The Ice Man
  • Tom R. Ashton: Last Stop Oblivion
  • Lincoln Lyons: The Deadly Image

Supervising Film Editor

  • James Moore: The Bundle from Britain; Hadley’s Heroes; The Town That Wasn’t There; Arizona Black Maria; Last Wire from Stop Gap; Mano Nera; The Maverick Line; A State of Siege

Supervising Hair Stylist: Jean Burt Reilly

Executive Producer: William T. Orr

Song: “Maverick” – Music by David Buttolph.  Lyrics by Paul Francis Webster

Episodes Copyright: 1960 (1-21), 1961 (22-32)