Hawaii Five-O – The Double Wall

The Double Wall

Season 3 (Episode 14)

Air Date: 16 December 1970

Writers: Jerry Ludwig and Eric Bercovici

Director: Michael O’Herlihy

After a prisoner doing life for murder hears the deathbed confession of another prisoner, he takes the prison doctor hostage and demands that Five-O reopen his case. It’s a race against time as Five-O try to find the truth before the doctor is killed.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Peggy Ryan (Jenny)

Guest Stars
Monte Markham (Harry Kellem), William Schallert (Craig Wilkie), Joan Van Ark (Freda Cowan), Sorrell Booke (Dr. Samuel T. Berman), Richard Roat (Ted Cowan), Peter Whitney (Bedford), Mills Watson (Barney Banyan), R.G. Armstrong (Warden), Arthur Hee (Man Fook-Low), Al Harrington (Bates – 1st Guard), Bob Sevey (T.V. Reporter), Morgan Sha’an (Frank Ritchie), Terry Plunkett (Officer Spivack), Bob Jones (Beldock), William Bigelow II (Rycourt), Frank Kamaunu (2nd Guard)

Notable Guest Stars

R.G. ArmstrongR.G. Armstrong Sorrell BookeSorrell Booke Monte MarkhamMonte Markham
William SchallertWilliam Schallert Joan Van ArkJoan Van Ark

Production Number: 1729-0320

Episode Notes

  • Television Station: kgmbtv