Bonanza – The Unwritten Commandment

The Unwritten Commandment

Season 7 (Episode 28)

Air Date: 10 April 1966

Teleplay: Jo Pagano and William Blinn

Story: Dan Ullman

Director: Gerd Oswald


Guest Stars
Wayne Newton (Andy Walker), Anne Jeffreys (Lily), Malcolm Atterbury (Willard Walker), Jerry Newton (Mike Walker), Robert Cleaves (Reverend Porter)

Notable Guest Stars

Anne JeffreysAnne Jeffreys
Wayne NewtonWayne Newton

Production Notes

  • Location Scenes filmed at Incline Village, Lake Tahoe, Nevada
  • Songs: Old Joe Clark (US Folk Song), Scarlet Ribbons (Lyrics by Jack Segal; Music by Evelyn Danzig, 1949), Danny Boy (Lyrics by Frederic Weatherly, 1910) and The Old Rugged Cross (Written by George Bennard, 1912)
  • Jerry Newton is the brother of Wayne Newton


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