Season 3 (Episode 12)
Air Date: 2 December 1964
Writer: Dean Riesner
Director: Don McDougall
Recurring Actors/Characters
Ross Elliott (Sheriff Mark Abbott)
Guest Stars
John Lupton (Sam Horn), Edward Binns (John Briscoe), Laurel Goodwin (Peg Dineen), Buck Taylor (Scott Briscoe), George Kennedy (Jack Marshman), Virginia Christine (Judith Briscoe), Paul Comi (Brad Carter), Walter Woolf King (Judge MacDonald), Elizabeth Harrower (Mrs. Crandall), Gail Bonney (The Farm Woman), Med Flory (Tom Yeager), Barry Cahill (Tatum), Mike Mahoney (Zachary)
Production Notes
- Doug McClure, Roberta Shore and Randy Boone do not appear in this episode
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