Season 3 (Episode 15)
Air Date: 23 December 1964
Teleplay: William Fay and True Boardman
Story: William Fay
Director: William Witney
Recurring Actors/Characters
Roy Engel (Barney Wingate)
Guest Stars
James Dunn (Honest Matt Cosgrove), Arthur Space (Ownie Francis), Martin West (David O’Mara), Brendan Dillon (Mr. Dolan), Hal Baylor (Sgt. Costello), A.G. Vitanza (Dominic Pelligrini), Robert Boon (Hans Jungman), Alvy Moore (Ray Harris), Pitt Herbert (The Telegraph Operator), Russ Bender (The Land Office Clerk), David McMahon (The Conductor), Sam Edwards (The Hotel Clerk), Shirley O’Hara (Mrs. Dolan), Barry Brooks (The Workman), Jimmy Joyce (The Cameraman), Hoke Howell (The Corporal)
Production Notes
- Doug McClure and Roberta Shore do not appear in this episode
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