Season 2 (Episode 19)
Air Date: 28 January 1961
Writer: N.B. Stone Jr.
Director: Robert Altman
Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)
Guest Stars
Dan Tobin (Finch), Wynn Pearce (Mr. Johnson), Walter Burke (Tim O’Brien), Ian Wolfe (John J. Harrison), Owen Bush (J.R. Huggins), Arnold Merritt (Harrison’s Advisor), Howard Wendell (Harrison’s Advisor), Carl Milletaire (Mr. Miller), Mickey Finn (Frank)
Notable Guest Stars

Episode Notes
- Featured Cartwrights: Joe and Hoss
- Year: 1863
- Location: San Francisco
- Companies John J. Harrison owns – Harrison Mill & Smelter; Harrison Investment Co.; Harrison Steam Ship Co.; Harrison Mine & Equipment Co.
- Towns: Cedar Creek; Placerville, California
- Saloon: Bucket of Blood
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