Art Direction
- Hal Pereira
- Earl Hedrick
Assistant Director
- Daniel J. McCauley: A Rose for Lotta; Death on Sun Mountain; The Julia Bulette Story; The Saga of Annie O’Toole; The Magnificent Adah; The Truckee Strip; The Hanging Posse; The Sisters; El Toro Grande; Dark Star
- Henry (Bud) Brill: The Newcomers; The Paiute War; Enter Mark Twain; The Philip Diedesheimer Story; Mr. Henry Comstock; The Outcast; A House Divided; The Fear Merchants; Blood on the Land; Desert Justice; Escape to Ponderosa; The Last Trophy; Feet of Clay; Death at Dawn
- Ned Dobson: The Gunmen; The Spanish Grant
- Don Roberts: The Stranger; The Avenger; Bitter Water
- John E. Burch: San Francisco
Casting Supervisor
- William Maybery (from The Paiute War onwards)
Color Consultant
- Alex Quiroga (all except A Rose for Lotta)
Dances Staged by
- Miriam Nelson: Mr. Henry Comstock
Director of Photography
- Lester Shorr (all except A Rose for Lotta)
- Bert Glennon: A Rose for Lotta
- Ellsworth Hoagland: Death on Sun Mountain; The Paiute War; The Magnificent Adah; The Hanging Posse; A House Divided; The Spanish Grant; The Stranger; The Last Trophy; Dark Star
- Marvin Coil: The Newcomers; The Julia Bulette Story; Mr. Henry Comstock; The Truckee Strip; The Sisters; Blood on the Land; Escape to Ponderosa; San Francisco; Feet of Clay
- Everett Douglas: Enter Mark Twain; The Saga of Annie O’Toole;The Philip Diedesheimer Story; El Toro Grande; The Outcast; The Fear Merchants; Desert Justice; The Avenger; Bitter Water; Death at Dawn
Film Editor
- Arthur P. Schmidt: A Rose for Lotta
Hairstyle Supervision
- Nellie Manley (all except A Rose for Lotta)
Makeup Supervision
- Wally Westmore (all except A Rose for Lotta)
Music: David Rose
Music Supervision
- Raoul Krauskaar: A Rose for Lotta
Process Photography
- Farciot Edouart: Desert Justice; The Stranger
Set Decoration
- Sam Comer
- Grace Gregory: A Rose for Lotta; The Truckee Strip; The Hanging Posse; The Sisters; El Toro Grande; The Outcast; A House Divided; The Gunmen; The Fear Merchants; The Spanish Grant; Blood on the Land; Desert Justice; The Stranger; Escape to Ponderosa; The Avenger; The Last Trophy; San Francisco; Bitter Water; Feet of Clay; Dark Star; Death at Dawn
- Robert Benton: Death on Sun Mountain; The Newcomers; The Paiute War; Enter Mark Twain; The Julia Bulette Story; The Saga of Annie O’Toole; The Philip Diedesheimer Story; Mr. Henry Comstock; The Magnificent Adah
Sound Recording
- Winston Leverett
- Harold Lewis: A Rose for Lotta; Enter Mark Twain; The Magnificent Adah; The Truckee Strip; The Hanging Posse; The Sisters; El Toro Grande; The Outcast; A House Divided; The Gunmen; The Fear Merchants; The Spanish Grant; Blood on the Land; Desert Justice; The Stranger; Escape to Ponderosa; The Avenger; The Last Trophy; San Francisco; Bitter Water; Feet of Clay; Dark Star; Death at Dawn
- Lyle Figland: Death on Sun Mountain; The Newcomers; The Paiute War; The Julia Bulette Story; The Saga of Annie O’Toole; The Philip Diedesheimer Story
- Hugo Grenzbach: Mr. Henry Comstock
Story Consultant
- Leonard Heideman: The Spanish Grant; Blood on the Land; Desert Justice; The Stranger; Escape to Ponderosa; The Avenger; The Last Trophy; San Francisco; Bitter Water; Feet of Clay; Dark Star; Death at Dawn
Story Editor
- Patricia Falken Smith: Enter Mark Twain; The Philip Diedesheimer Story; The Magnificent Adah; The Truckee Strip; The Hanging Posse; The Sisters; El Toro Grande; The Outcast; A House Divided; The Gunmen; The Fear Merchants
- Thomas Thompson: Feet of Clay; Dark Star; Death at Dawn
Unit Production Manager
- Jack Ballard: A Rose for Lotta
- Donald Robb: The Philip Diedesheimer Story; The Truckee Strip; The Hanging Posse; The Sisters; El Toro Grande; The Outcast
- Andrew J. Durkus: A House Divided; The Gunmen; The Fear Merchants; The Spanish Grant; Blood on the Land; Desert Justice; The Stranger; Escape to Ponderosa; The Avenger; The Last Trophy; San Francisco; Bitter Water; Feet of Clay; Dark Star; Death at Dawn
Created by David Dortort
Producer: David Dortort
Production Supervisor: James W. Lane (all except A Rose for Lotta)
Song: “Bonanza” by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans
Processed by Consolidated Film Industries
Filmed at Paramount Studios, Hollywood, California
Episodes Copyright: 1959 (1-18), 1960 (19-32)
NBC Television Network Presentation
Season 2 → |