In the Heat of the Night (Main Character)
Season 1
- Great Uncle: Gill (Fate)
- Cousin: Bob Allen (Fate)
- Distant Cousin: Mace Trapnell (Fate)
Season 2
- Rank: Sergeant (Country Mouse, City Mouse)
- Nephew: Bobby Skinner (Country Mouse, City Mouse)
- Was a football star and went to Alabama under Bear Bryan (Country Mouse, City Mouse)
- Girlfriend: Laney (Accused)
- Runs a Bible study class in the summer (Accused)
Season 3
- Gets promoted to lieutenant (First Girl)
- Girlfriend: Mary Ann (Vengeance)
- Went to high school with Darryl Tyler (Hello in There)
- Born: circa 1955 (Hello in There)
- Has known Darlene for years (December Days)
- Has a younger brother and a sister named Claudia (Bubba’s Baby)
- Doesn’t like his real first name (Bubba’s Baby)
- Used to drive big rigs (An Angry Woman)
Season 4
- High School Sweetheart – Christine Anderson (Heart of Gold)
Season 5
- Rank: Captain (A Woman Much Admired)
- Cousin: Candice Riley (Baby for Sale)
Season 6
Season 7
- Brother Tom and his wife Carolyn died a few years ago in a car crash (Every Man’s Family)
- Nephew: Matt Skinner, son of Tom and Carolyn (Every Man’s Family)
Season 8