Bonanza – Season 3

Bonanza – The Miracle Maker

Season 3 (Episode 34)

Air Date: 20 May 1962

Teleplay: Frank Cleaver and Preston Wood

Story: Lewis Reed

Director: Don McDougall


Guest Stars
Ed Nelson (Garth), Patricia Breslin (Susan Blanchard), Mort Mills (Thorne), Jean Inness (Aunt Celia), Tol Avery (Dr. Moore), Raymond Bailey (Sam Blanchard), Bill Quinn (Dr. Gross), Robert Adler (Jeb)

Production Notes

  • Pernell Roberts does not appear in this episode

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Hoss
  • Sign: THE FAMED GARTH – FAITH HEALER- “Faith Shall Make You Well”


← The Mountain Girl The First Born →

Bonanza – The Mountain Girl

Season 3 (Episode 33)

Air Date: 13 May 1962

Writer: John Furia, Jr.

Director: Don McDougall

On his way home from a hunting trip, Joe sees Seth Coombs collapse. The man has just had an attack and knows he doesn’t have much time left. Joe takes him back to his cabin and finds Coombs’ granddaughter, Trudy there. Just before he dies, Coombs gets promises from both Joe and Trudy. Joe, then takes Trudy back home with him. Shortly after she arrives, she decides that she wants to learn about being a lady to meet her other grandfather, who is a wealthy San Francisco resident.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)

Guest Stars
Nina Shipman (Trudy Harker), Warren Oates (Paul MacGruder), Carl Benton Reid (Josiah Harker), Nancy Hadley (Stephanie Harker), Will Wright (Seth Coombs), Mary Treen (Annie Wilson)

Notable Guest Stars

Warren OatesWarren Oates
Nina ShipmanNina Shipman

Production Notes

  • This episode was made after Inger, My Love. Dan Blocker is still sporting the injury (a fractured collar bone and a sustained shoulder separation) he got in an on-set accident during filming in February 1962. Roberts’ horse stumbled, throwing him over the horse’s head. Blocker’s was coming in too close and collided with the other horse. Whilst Roberts was able to report to work within a week, Blocker was forced to remain at home for four weeks.

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Joe
  • The names of Trudy’s parents are Frank and Abigail


← The Long Night The Miracle Maker →

Bonanza – The Long Night

Season 3 (Episode 32)

Air Date: 6 May 1962

Writers: George Stackalee and E.M. Parsons

Director: William Witney

While on his way to Genoa, Adam is bushwhacked by one of two prisoners who have recently escaped. The prisoner takes Adam’s clothes and horse, leaving Adam stranded. Adam, then sets off after the prisoner. When he catches up to the prisoner, he has no choice but to kill him. However, just as Adam is retrieving his belongings, the other prisoner, Trace appears. Trace knows about the $10,000 bank draft that Adam has hidden on his horse but just as Trace is about to kill Adam, a posse arrives. Adam now has to convince the posse that he is not one of the escaped prisoners before they hang him.

Guest Stars
James Coburn (Elmer Trace), Jack Chaplain (Billy McCord), Frank Ferguson (Sheriff Hill), William Bramley (Townsend), Whit Bissell (Henry Neighbors), Paul Dubov (Skidmore), Bing Russell (Poindexter), Dorothy Adams (Martha Neighbors), E.J. Andre (Prospector), Al Avalon (Johnny), Eric Barnes (Brubaker)

Notable Guest Stars

Whit BissellWhit Bissell
James CoburnJames Coburn
Frank FergusonFrank Ferguson

Production Notes

  • Dan Blocker does not appear in this episode

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Adam
  • Town: Bowlegs


← The Dowry The Mountain Girl →

Bonanza – The Dowry

Season 3 (Episode 31)

Air Date: 29 April 1962

Writer: Robert Vincent Wright

Director: Christian Nyby


Guest Stars
Luciana Paluzzi (Michele Dubois), Lee Bergere (Don Ricardo Fernandez), Steven Geray (Alexander Dubois), Ken Mayer (Crusty)

Notable Guest Stars

Lee BergereLee Bergere
Luciana PaluzziLuciana Paluzzi

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwrights: Ben, Adam and Joe


← Blessed Are They The Long Night →

Bonanza – Blessed Are They

Season 3 (Episode 30)

Air Date: 22 April 1962

Teleplay: Borden Chase and Frank Cleaver

Story: Borden Chase

Director: Don McDougall

Ben is asked to be mediator and help foster a peace between the Maynes and the Clarkes. These two families have been feuding with each other ever since two of their children married, had twins, and then moved away. Bad news arrives and Ben has to decide which family the now orphaned twins should go to. Ben gets some advice from the new preacher but to Ben’s dismay he realises the final decision will be still his to make.

Guest Stars
Robert Brown (Rev. Jordan), Ford Rainey (John Clarke), Irene Tedrow (Winifred Mayne), Walter Sande (Tom Mayne), Amzie Strickland (Mary Clarke), Leslie Wales (Peggy Clarke), Robert Brubaker (The Judge), Robert Foulk (Deputy Sheriff Clem), Rory O’Brien (Kenny Clarke), Tracy Stratford (Susan Clarke), Arthur Peterson (Preacher Jordan)

Notable Guest Stars

Ford RaineyFord Rainey
Irene TedrowIrene Tedrow

Episode Notes

  • This episode takes place around Easter
  • Business: Overland Stage Line and Depot


← Inger, My Love The Dowry →

Bonanza – Inger, My Love

Season 3 (Episode 29)

Air Date: 15 April 1962

Teleplay: Frank Cleaver and David Dortort

Story: Anthony Lawrence

Director: Lewis Allen

On the occasion of Hoss’ birthday, Ben remembers the time when he first met Hoss’ mother, Inger.

Guest Stars
Inga Swenson (Inger Borgstrom), Jeremy Slate (Gunnar Borgstrom), James Philbrook (McWhorter), Johnny Stephens (Young Adam), Taggart Casey (Gunnar’s Friend), Harlan Wade (Constable), Charles Fredericks (Bartender), Helen Brown (Mrs. Miller), Nolan Leary (Doctor)

Notable Guest Stars

Jeremy SlateJeremy Slate
Inga SwensonInga Swenson

Production Notes

  • Dan Blocker is carrying the injury he received during an accident that occurred during filming of The Dowry in late February 1962

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Ben


← The Crucible Blessed Are They →

Bonanza – The Crucible

Season 3 (Episode 28)

Air Date: 8 April 1962

Writer: John T. Dugan

Director: Paul Nickell

After leaving the town of Eastgate, Adam is robbed and left stranded in the middle of nowhere. Making his way through the wilderness, Adam eventually comes across the camp and mine of Peter Kane. After making a deal with Kane to work for three days in return for the use of Kane’s mule, Adam soon finds out that Kane has much more in mind.

Guest Stars
Lee Marvin (Peter Kane), Howard Ledig (Frank Preston), Barry Cahill (Jim Gann), Walker Edmonson (Blacksmith), Roy Barcroft (Sheriff), Paul Barselou (Bartender)

Notable Guest Stars

Lee MarvinLee Marvin

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Adam
  • Towns: Eastgate; Salt Flats
  • Saloon: Red Dog Saloon
  • Business: Eastgate Bank


← The Gamble Inger, My Love →

Bonanza – The Gamble

Season 3 (Episode 27)

Air Date: 1 April 1962

Teleplay: Frank Cleaver and Michael Landon

Story: Michael Landon

Director: William Witney


Guest Stars
Charles McGraw (Sheriff Gains), Ben Johnson (Deputy Stan), Robert Sampson (Artie), Jan Harrison (Joyce), Joey Walsh (Billy Tyler), Raymond Greenleaf (Judge Jackson), I. Stanford Jolley (Harry), Robert Foulk (Deputy Sheriff Clem), Morris Ankrum (Mr. Mason)

Notable Guest Stars

Ben JohnsonBen Johnson
Charles McGrawCharles McGraw

Production Notes

  • First script written by Michael Landon

Episode Notes

  • Location: Carson’s Crossing
  • Town: Alkaline
  • Saloon: The Red Dog


← Look to the Stars The Crucible →

Bonanza – Look to the Stars

Season 3 (Episode 26)

Air Date: 18 March 1962

Writers: Robert M. Fresco and Paul Rink

Director: Don McDougall


Guest Stars
Douglas Lambert (Albert Michelson), William Schallert (Mr. Norton), Joe De Santis (Samuel Michelson), Penny Santon (Rosalie Michelson), Booth Colman (Henry P. Quince), Salvador Baguez (Antonio Garcia), Wallace Rooney (Board Member), Richard Vera (Miguel Garcia)

Notable Guest Stars

Booth ColmanBooth Colman
Joe De SantisJoe De Santis
Penny SantonPenny Santon
William SchallertWilliam Schallert

Production Notes

  • Lorne Greene narrates at the end of the episode

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwrights: Ben and Adam
  • At one point the Virginia City School has 56 students
  • Henry P. Quince is the Territorial Representative to Washington D.C.
  • Albert’s full name is Albert Abraham Michaelson. He is also called by his nickname, Mike


← The Lawmaker The Gamble →

Bonanza – The Lawmaker

Season 3 (Episode 25)

Air Date: 11 March 1962

Teleplay: Dick Nelson

Story: John A. Johns

Director: Christian Nyby

Roy Coffee is injured during an attempted freight office robbery. He approaches Ben to take over as Sheriff while he recovers. Ben declines and puts forward Asa Moran as a possible temporary replacement. Moran is initially hesitant but agrees to take on the job. Satisfied that Moran is an acceptable substitute, Ben returns to the Ponderosa. However, soon after taking on the job of Sheriff, Moran finds out that there’s a benefit in being a lawman and that includes being able to settle old scores with his enemies – the Cartwrights.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)

Guest Stars
Arthur Franz (Asa Moran), Charles Briggs (Charlie Fitch), Les Tremayne (Judge George Jackson), Rosalind Roberts (Vicki), Roy Engel (Dr. Paul Martin), John Mitchum (Lou Palmer), Bob Miles (Ponderosa Ranchhand), J.P. Catching (Bank Robber)

Notable Guest Stars

Roy EngelRoy Engel
Arthur FranzArthur Franz

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Ben
  • Saloon: Silver Dollar


← The Wooing of Abigail Jones Look to the Stars →

Bonanza – The Wooing of Abigail Jones

Season 3 (Episode 24)

Air Date: 4 March 1962

Writer: Norman Lessing

Director: Christian Nyby


Guest Stars
Vaughn Monroe (Hank Meyers), Eileen Ryan (Abigail Jones), Norma Varden (Mrs. Jones), Robert J. Stevenson (Proprietor), Diana Darrin (Margie)

Notable Guest Stars

Vaughn MonroeVaughn Monroe
Eileen RyanEileen Ryan
Robert J. StevensonRobert J. Stevenson

Production Notes

  • Song: Early One Morning – an English folk song


← The Guilty The Lawmaker →