Bonanza – The Guilty

Season 3 (Episode 23)

Air Date: 25 February 1962

Writer: Clifford Irving

Director: Lewis Allen


Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)

Guest Stars
Lyle Bettger (Lem Partridge), Charles Maxwell (Jack Groat), Anne Benton (Caroline Partridge), Edward Platt (Wade), Jack Easton Jr. (Jimmy Partridge)

Notable Guest Stars

Lyle BettgerLyle Bettger Edward PlattEdward Platt

Bonanza – The Jackknife

Season 3 (Episode 22)

Air Date: 18 February 1962

Writer: Frank Chase

Director: William Witney


Guest Stars
Bethel Leslie (Ann Grant), John Archer (Matthew Grant), Donald Losby (Jody Grant), Robert Karnes (Rustler), Bob Harris (Chad)

Production Notes

  • Michael Landon does not appear in this episode

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Adam

Bonanza – Gift of Water

Season 3 (Episode 21)

Air Date: 11 February 1962

Writer: Borden Chase

Director: Jesse Hibbs

Hoss comes across a family in the flatlands, drilling for water. The drought that the flatlands is experiencing has been severe and instead of leaving his land, like so many others, Jason Ganther has decided to drill for water. Hoss decides to help the man out. Meanwhile, Ben finds he has to contend with a vigilante group that has formed to stop the flatlanders from entering the high country.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)

Guest Stars
Royal Dano (Jason Ganther), Majel Barrett (Mrs. Ganther), Pam Smith (Lindy Ganther), James Doohan (Bill Collins), Kay Stewart (Mrs. Bill Collins), Paul Birch (Luther Kent)

Notable Guest Stars

Majel BarrettMajel Barrett Royal DanoRoyal Dano James DoohanJames Doohan

Bonanza – The Auld Sod

Season 3 (Episode 20)

Air Date: 4 February 1962

Writer: Charles Lang

Director: William Witney


Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)

Guest Stars
James Dunn (Danny Lynch), Cheerio Meredith (Nellie Lynch), Jeff De Benning (John Higgins), Howard Wright (Howie), Keith Richards (Mr. Riley), Norman Leavitt (Mr. Ramsay [Telegrapher]), Jack Carr (Card Player), Pete Robinson (Card Player)

Notable Guest Stars

James DunnJames Dunn Cheerio MeredithCheerio Meredith

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Hoss

Bonanza – The Storm

Season 3 (Episode 19)

Air Date: 28 January 1962

Writer: Denne Petitclerc

Director: Lewis Allen

Captain Matthew White and his daughter, Laura come to stay with the Cartwrights. Joe and Laura used to be childhood friends and she still harbours romantic feelings towards him. Initially, Joe isn’t interested but when they are forced to spend the night in cabin due to a storm, he falls in love with her. They plan to marry but for some reason her father is not too pleased.

Guest Stars
Frank Overton (Capt. Matthew White), Brooke Hayward (Laura White)

Notable Guest Stars

Brooke HaywardBrooke Hayward

Production Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Joe
  • The Cartwrights visited New Orleans, 12 years prior to the time of this episode

Bonanza – The Ride

Season 3 (Episode 18)

Air Date: 21 January 1962

Writer: Ward Hawkins

Director: Don McDougall

Adam is waiting for the stage at Goat Springs when two hooded robbers appear. They kill Toby Barker and Adam is sure he recognises one of the robbers as his business partner, Bill Enders. When he gets back to Virginia City, no one believes that Enders is guilty because of the two-hour ride. To prove Enders is guilty, Adam decides to show the people that the ride from Goat Springs to Virginia City can be done in ninety minutes.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)

Guest Stars
Jan Merlin (Bill Enders), Grace Gaynor (Mary Enders), Chubby Johnson (Toby Barker), Hal Baylor (Arch Stewart), Bob Harris (Sammy Yates)

Notable Guest Stars

Chubby JohnsonChubby Johnson

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Adam
  • Saloon: The Nugget

Bonanza – The Lady from Baltimore

Season 3 (Episode 17)

Air Date: 14 January 1962

Writer: Elliott Arnold

Director: John Peyser

Deborah Banning, the wife of an old friend of Ben’s comes to the Ponderosa on a visit with her daughter Melinda. Deborah’s plan is to marry off Melinda to one of Ben’s sons and fabricates a story to make Melinda more appealing. When Deborah decides that Melinda should marry Joe, things don’t go as plan when Melinda finds that she prefers Joe’s older brother Adam and Horace Banning turns up unexpectedly.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)

Guest Stars
Mercedes McCambridge (Deborah Banning), Audrey Dalton (Melinda Banning), Hayden Rorke (Horace Banning), Robert Adler (Coachman)

Notable Guest Stars

Audrey DaltonAudrey Dalton Mercedes McCambridgeMercedes McCambridge Hayden RorkeHayden Rorke

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwrights: Joe, Ben and Adam

Bonanza – The Tall Stranger

Season 3 (Episode 16)

Air Date: 7 January 1962

Writer: Ward Hawkins

Director: Don McDougall


Guest Stars
Kathie Browne (Margie Owens), Sean McClory (Mark Connors), Jacqueline Scott (Kathie), Russell Thorson (George Owens), Ed Prentiss (Minister), Dorothy Neumann (Woman), Robert Ridgely (Father), Forrest Taylor (John), Bert Carlon (Townsman), Henry Wills (Gilbert)

Notable Guest Stars

Kathie BrowneKathie Browne Henry WillsHenry Wills

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Hoss

Bonanza – Land Grab

Season 3 (Episode 15)

Air Date: 31 December 1961

Writer: Ward Hawkins

Director: David Orrick McDearmon


Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing), Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)

Guest Stars
John McGiver (Col. Jonathon Bragg/John Polk), George Mitchell (Mike Sullivan), Lisette Loze (Lisette Belrose), Don Wilbanks (Jacks), Don Oreck (Eddie Wheeler), Dennis Whitcomb (Mr. Belrose), Jason Johnson (Jean Wheeler), Eileen Ryan (Amanda Gates), Fay McKenzie (Victoria Gates), Fred Sherman (Hotel Clerk), Bob Miles (Kip Taylor)

Notable Guest Stars

John McGiverJohn McGiver

Bob MilesBob Miles

Production Notes

  • Location scenes filmed at Incline Village, Lake Tahoe, Nevada through the courtesy of the Crystal Bay Development Company

Bonanza – Gabrielle

Season 1 (Episode 14)

Air Date: 24 December 1961

Writer: Anthony Lawrence

Director: Thomas Carr


Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)

Guest Stars
Diane Mountford (Gabrielle Wickham), John Abbott (Zachariah Wickham), Kevin Hagen (Everett Paster), Evelyn Scott (Drew Paster), Michael McGreevey (Jeremy Paster), Selmer Jackson (Doctor)

Notable Guest Stars

Kevin HagenKevin Hagen Diane MountfordDiane Mountford

Production Notes

  • Location scenes filmed at Incline Village, Lake Tahoe, Nevada through the courtesy of the Crystal Bay Development Company

Episode Notes

  • Location: Mount Davidson

Bonanza – The Tin Badge

Season 3 (Episode 13)

Air Date: 17 December 1961

Writer: Don Ingalls

Director: Lewis Allen

Joe is offered the job of sheriff in Rubicon. He accepts it after being teased by his brothers, who both think he is too young to handle the job. Determined to prove to his family that is a grown man, Joe begins his job in the seemingly quiet town the next day. However, Joe soon finds out that there is much more going on in Rubicon then meets the eye.

Guest Stars
Vic Morrow (Ab Brock), Karen Steele (Sylvie Ann), John Litel (Mayor Goshen), Robert Fortier (Higgler), David Manley (Virgil), Bill Catching (Banker), Stephen Chase (Mr. Jennings)

Notable Guest Stars

Vic MorrowVic Morrow Karen SteeleKaren Steele

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Joe
  • Saloon: The Royal Palace

Bonanza – The Frenchman

Season 3 (Episode 12)

Air Date: 10 December 1961

Writer: Norman Lessing

Director: Christian Nyby

Whilst Joe and Hoss are in Virginia City they came across a Frenchman and his sister. Francoise Villon believes he is the re-incarnation of a famous medieval poet with the same name. Joe is immediately attracted to Francoise’s sister, Eloise and invites them both to stay at the Ponderosa. They accept and Ben reluctantly decides to let them stay. Hoss has problems of his own with Francoise and Joe spends time with Eloise. Ben manages to tolerate Villon but when the Frenchman decides to take some drastic measures, it’s up to Adam to deliver the solution.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee), Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)

Guest Stars
Andre Philippe (Francois Villon), Erika Peters (Eloise Villon), Robert J. Stevenson (Jim [Hotel Clerk])

Episode Notes

  • The date for the hanging is Friday 17th October, 1860