Cheyenne – The Greater Glory

Season 5 (Episode 13)

Air Date: 15 May 1961

Writer: Warren Douglas

Director: Lee Sholem


Guest Stars
Ray Stricklyn (Billy the Kid), Susan Crane (Mary Wiley), Tod Griffin (Rafe Donovan), William Phipps (“Smiler” Jones), William Sargent (Roy Wiley), Mickey Simpson (Big Blue), Ruth Terry (Neighbor Woman), Clyde Howdy (1st Gunman), Clarence Straight (Neighbor Man), Jack Bighead (Grey Deer), Rankin Mansfield (Doctor)

Notable Guest Stars

Mickey SimpsonMickey Simpson

Episode Notes

  • Location: Salt Lake City


← Massacre at Gunsight Pass Winchester Quarantine →

Cheyenne – Massacre at Gunsight Pass

Season 5 (Episode 12)

Air Date: 1 May 1961

Writer: Warren Douglas

Director: Robert Sparr


Guest Stars
Pat Michon (Antoinette Laval), Jack Elam (Count Nicholas Potosi), Kathie Browne (Molly Stone), Sherwood Price (Johnny Eldorado), Robert Knapp (Frank Thorne), Dee Carroll (Eva Hopkins), Paul Mantee (Jimmy), Robert Foulk (Joe Stone), Hal Dawson (Truckee Charlie), Hank Patterson (Sunset), Allan Lane (Sheriff Milton), X Brands (Powder Face)

Episode Notes

  • Location: Relay Station – Gunsight Pass


← Lone Patrol The Greater Glory →

Cheyenne – Lone Patrol

Season 5 (Episode 11)

Air Date: 10 April 1961

Writer: Dean Riesner

Director: Leslie Goodwins


Guest Stars
Evan McCord (Jerry Dailey), Robert McQueeney (Capt. Duquesne), Dawn Wells (Sarah Claypool), Dorothea Lord (Mrs. Claypool), Harry Holcombe (Major Prewitt), Brad Weston (Lt. Patterson), Stacy Keach (Sgt. O’Bannion), Ollie O’Toole (Corporal Tarbo), Clyde Howdy (Trooper Yawkey)


← The Frightened Town Massacre at Gunsight Pass →

Cheyenne – The Frightened Town

Season 5 (Episode 10)

Air Date: 20 March 1961

Writer: Buckley Angell

Director: Burt Dunne


Guest Stars
Andrew Duggan (Marshal Ben Delaney), Angela Greene (Harriet Delaney), James Griffith (Gorrell), William Fawcett (Luke), Tim Graham (Jeb Conroy), Max Baer (Callow), Myron Healey (Tully), Gregg Palmer (Dillard), Lane Chandler (Joe Cooper), Ollie O’Toole (Storekeeper), John Ramondetta (Matt Cooper)

Episode Notes

  • Town: Kingsburg


← The Beholden Lone Patrol →

Cheyenne – The Beholden

Season 5 (Episode 9)

Air Date: 27 February 1961

Writer: Charles B. Smith

Director: Lee Sholem

Cheyenne arrives in the town of Winslow to deliver a message to the local banker. He finds a Marshall who is retiring in three days and a town that wants to replace him as soon as possible.

Guest Stars
Patrice Wymore (Harriet Miller), Don Megowan (Marshal Tom Grant), Hanley Stafford (Harvey Perkins), Sheldon Allman (Elijah McGuire), John Hubbard (John Mercer), Max Baer (Bert McGuire), Robert Foulk (Jake Scott), Don Wilbanks (Chad Owens), Kimm Charney (Tully Grant), Martin Eric (Mickey Lukas), I. Stanford Jolley (Chester)

Notable Guest Stars

Max BaerMax Baer
Don MegowanDon Megowan
Patrice WymorePatrice Wymore

Episode Notes

  • Town: Winslow
  • Saloons: Winslow Palace; Crystal Palace
  • Business: Bank of Winslow


← The Return of Mr. Grimm The Frightened Town →

Cheyenne – The Return of Mr. Grimm

Season 5 (Episode 8)

Air Date: 13 February 1961

Writer: George F. Slavin

Director: Lee Sholem

Nathanael Grimm is bent on revenge after his son is killed by Cheyenne, while trying to escape arrest. Grimm uses every means possible to make Cheyenne stand trial. The question is how long can Cheyenne stand his ground before the town caves into Grimm’s desires.

Guest Stars
Anita Sands (Grace Evans), R.G. Armstrong (Nathanael Grimm), Stephen Roberts (Judge Miller), Sherwood Price (Hardy Russell), Maurice Manson (Mayor Stanley), Myron Healey (Wesley Mason), Orville Sherman (Robert Garrison), John Alvin (Weldon Connors), Glenn Stensel (Vince), Jim Hayward (Clerk), Jericho Brown (Red)

Notable Guest Stars

R.G. ArmstrongR.G. Armstrong
Sherwood PriceSherwood Price


← Duel at Judas Basin The Beholden →

Cheyenne – Duel at Judas Basin

Season 5 (Episode 7)

Air Date: 30 January 1961

Teleplay: Gerald Drayson Adams and Warren Douglas

Story: Gerald Drayson Adams

Director: Leslie Goodwins

Cheyenne and Bronco Layne drive a herd of cattle belonging to Ian Steward, only to find that he has been murdered. The accused man, is their friend Tom Brewster and Cheyenne finds that he cannot pay the men. Bronco falls out with Cheyenne and ends up working with Pike Hanson. Meanwhile, Cheyenne tries to help Brewster out and find out who killed Steward.

Guest Stars
Will Hutchins (Tom Brewster), Ty Hardin (Bronco Layne), Jacques Aubuchon (Pike Hanson), Sheldon Allman (Charlie Lutz), Max Baer (Pete), Alan Caillou (Ian Steward), Ken Mayer (Hank Lutz), Ed Prentiss (Major Grant), Terry Frost (Sheriff Hoag), Phil Tully (Ben), Linda Rivera (Yellow Moon)

Notable Guest Stars

Jacques AubuchonJacques Aubuchon
Max BaerMax Baer
Alan CaillouAlan Caillou
Ty HardinTy Hardin
Will HutchinsWill Hutchins

Production Notes

  • A crossover episode with two shows Sugarfoot and Bronco.

Episode Notes

  • Location: Sweetwater Stage Depot


← Incident at Dawson Flats The Return of Mr. Grimm →

Cheyenne – Incident at Dawson Flats

Season 5 (Episode 6)

Air Date: 9 January 1961

Teleplay: Warren Douglas

Story: Guy DeVry

Director: Lee Sholem

On his way to attend the wedding of his friend Johnny McIntyre, Cheyenne is shot at. Arriving in Dawson Flats, another man tries to kill him. Things take a turn for the worse when Johnny kills his soon-to-be brother-in-law.

Guest Stars
Gerald Mohr (Elmer Bostrum), Joan O’Brien (Selma Dawson), Jock Gaynor (Johnny McIntyre), Morris Ankrum (Cyrus Dawson), Hampton Fancher (Jasper Dawson), Mort Mills (Sheriff Graves), John Cliff (Lafe Dawson), Grady Sutton (Photographer)

Episode Notes

  • Town: Dawson Flats


← Savage Breed Duel at Judas Basin →

Cheyenne – Savage Breed

Season 5 (Episode 5)

Air Date: 19 December 1960

Teleplay: Peter B. Germano

Director: Robert Sparr

Cheyenne is hired as a scout for a Senator and his party who are on a buffalo hunt. They are accompanied by a Dodge City Marshall named Lestrade and his sister. Lestrade is more interested in fleecing the Senator and his friends of their money. There are others who have their own plans but everything comes to a halt when a renegade Sioux party cross their path.

Guest Stars
Ray Danton (Marshal Al Lestrade), Patricia Huston (Nora Kenton), Shirley Ballard (Lily Lestrade), Robert Clarke (Phil Kenton), Walter Coy (George Naylor), Carlyle Mitchell (Senator Leland Carr), Charlie Briggs (Bart Hanson), Clyde Howdy (Pete Saba), Jim Waters (Lt. Voorhees), Michael Keep (Dull Knife)

Production Notes

  • From a novel by Joseph Chadwick


← Two Trails to Santa Fe Incident at Dawson Flats →

Cheyenne – Two Trails to Santa Fe

Season 5 (Episode 4)

Air Date: 28 November 1960

Teleplay: Charles B. Smith

Story: Ray Nafziger

Director: Robert Sparr

After an army fort is abandoned, Cheyenne volunteers to tell the local miners that their protection has gone. However, he has other problems including Aleeah, an Indian girl, he recently rescued and a soldier who has his sights on gold, as well as the wife of one of the miners.

Guest Stars
Randy Stuart (Amy Brandon), Robert Colbert (Howie Burch), Richard Webb (Jed Brandon), Sonya Wilde (Aleeah), Walter Reed (Jack Riggs), Gayla Graves (Mary North), Darlene Fields (Belle), Robert G. Anderson (Jones), John Harmon (Harris), Max Baer (Willis), Wilton Graff (Major Perkins)

Notable Guest Stars

Robert ColbertRobert Colbert


← Road to Three Graves Savage Breed →

Cheyenne – Road to Three Graves

Season 5 (Episode 3)

Air Date: 31 October 1960

Writer: Al C. Ward

Director: Leslie H. Martinson

After meeting Tuk, Cheyenne makes a deal to help the man deliver supplies to a mine which will supply the gold he needs to build an orphanage. The problem is that they have to get through land owned by Manuel Loza, who will stop at nothing to get the mine’s supplies.

Guest Stars
Alan Hale (Tuk), Jean Byron (Alice Norris), Joe De Santis (Manuel Loza), Jason Evers (Carl Tower), James Seay (Parks), Carlos Romero (Luis Perez), Freddy Roberto (Padre Mendez), Gregory Irvin (Ted)

Notable Guest Stars

Joe De SantisJoe De Santis
Jason EversJason Evers
Alan HaleAlan Hale
Carlos RomeroCarlos Romero

Episode Notes

  • Town: Security


← Counterfeit Gun Two Trails to Santa Fe →