Category:Emergency! – Season 6
Emergency! – Limelight
Season 6 (Episode 24)
Air Date: 23 April 1977
Writer: James G. Richardson
Director: Christian I. Nyby II
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
James G. Richardson (Craig Brice), William Bryant (Captain 16), Walter Barnes (Mike Gold), Shannon Farnon (Mrs. Robinson), Jeannie Fitzsimmons (Newswoman), William Boyett (Chief McConnike), Vince Howard (Officer Vince)
← Hypochondri-Cap | The Steel Inferno → |
Emergency! – Hypochondri-Cap
Season 6 (Episode 23)
Air Date: 16 April 1977
Writer: Bruce Shelly
Director: Dennis Donnelly
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
William Bryant (Capt. Engine 68), George Brenlin (Mort), Bette Ford (Juen Edwards), Vince Howard (Policeman), William Boyett (Battalion Chief), Lani Gustavson (Foreman), Abraham Alvarez (C-Shift Fireman)
← Upward and Onward | Limelight → |
Emergency! – Upward and Onward
Season 6 (Episode 22)
Air Date: 2 April 1977
Writer: Michael Norell
Director: Dennis Donnelly
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker)
Guest Stars
Leon Ames (Dr. Ned Tuttle/Alex Sudoff), Dabbs Greer (Dr. Hubert Nippert), Tom Williams (Arnold Myers), Tabi Cooper (Jody), William Boyett (Chief McConnike)
Notable Guest Stars

← All Night Long | Hypochondri-Cap → |
Emergency! – All Night Long
Season 6 (Episode 21)
Air Date: 26 March 1977
Writer: Kevin Tighe
Director: Georg Fenady
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
James McEachin (Julius Clark), Carmen Zapata (Woman), Bill Walker (Mr. Jefferson), James Griffith (Lester Bowles), Patti Jerome (Thelma Austin), Vince Howard (Vince)
Notable Guest Stars

← Isolation | Upward and Onward → |
Emergency! – Isolation
Season 6 (Episode 20)
Air Date: 19 March 1977
Writer: John Groves
Director: Georg Fenady
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
Vince Howard (2nd Officer), Lyndel Stuart (Doctor Slade), Glen Sipes (3rd Officer), William Bryant (Capt. 86)
← The Boat | All Night Long → |
Emergency! – The Boat
Season 6 (Episode 19)
Air Date: 12 March 1977
Writer: Hannah Shearer
Director: Georg Fenady
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
Dick Bakalyan (Charlie), Ted Gehring (Clinton), Zitto Kazann (Alvie), William Boyett (Chief Battalion 14), Vince Howard (Police Officer)
Notable Guest Stars

← Firehouse Quintet | Isolation → |
Emergency!- Firehouse Quintet
Season 6 (Episode 18)
Air Date: 5 March 1977
Writer: Christian I. Nyby II
Director: Georg Fenady
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
Joanna DeVarona (Gymnast), Howard McGillin (Dwyer), Happy Hairston (Referee), Herb Vigran (Lou), James Westmoreland (Grip Foreman)
Notable Guest Stars

Episode Notes
- Business: International Industrial Corporation
← Bottom Line | The Boat → |
Emergency! – Bottom Line
Season 6 (Episode 17)
Air Date: 26 February 1977
Writers: Charlene Bralver and Robert Bralver
Director: Dennis Donnelly
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
Nick Pellegrino (Coach), Vince Howard (Vince), Belle Ellig (Madeleine), Kedric Wolfe (Duke), Johnny Timko (Randy)
← Family Ties | Firehouse Quintet → |
Emergency! – Family Ties
Season 6 (Episode 16)
Air Date: 19 February 1977
Writers: Carole and Michael Raschella
Director: Cliff Bole
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
Howard Honig (Arthur Basye), Susan Lawrence (Susan Basye), Jimmy Van Patten (Mark), Debbie Storm (Toni), Dirk Evans (Truck Driver)
← Breakdown | Bottom Line → |
Emergency! – Breakdown
Season 6 (Episode 15)
Air Date: 12 February 1977
Writer: John Groves
Director: Georg Fenady
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
Dick Bakalyan (Charlie), Brian Byers (Gerald), Joan Roberts (Jane), Jean Allison (Grace Winslow)
← Insanity Epidemic | Family Ties → |
Emergency! – Insanity Epidemic
Season 6 (Episode 14)
Air Date: 5 February 1977
Writer: Robert Hamilton
Director: Randolph Mantooth
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Firefighter Kelly), Michael Norrell (Capt. Stanley), Marco Lopez (Firefighter Lopez), Mike Stoker (Firefighter Specialist Stoker), Ron Pinkard (Dr. Morton)
Guest Stars
Robert Pratt (Gas Station Attendant), Ellen Moss (Thelma), Bill Zuckert (Bill Nelson), Nancy Fox (Instructor), Vince Howard (Vince), Vincent St. Cyr (Bruno), Betty Ann Carr (Lucy)
← An Ounce of Prevention | Breakdown → |