Category:Hawaii Five-O – Season 9
Hawaii Five-O – Practical Jokes Can Kill You
Season 9 (Episode 23)
Air Date: 5 May 1977
Writer: Bill Stratton
Director: Ernest Pintoff
Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong)
Guest Stars
Lee Purcell (Molly Taggert), Charles Frank (Todd Seymour), John Duke Russo (Abilleno), Chanell Akamine (Jolco), Dane Taylor (Benjie), Lani Kim Woller (Lani), Norman Wright (Walter Bernsley), Jeff Kennedy (Col. Westmore), Brad Dugan (Cpl. Hawpes), Terence Brady (Sgt. Sperry), Ernest Chan (Detective), Allan Rich (Lou Marvin)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0618
Episode Notes
- Business: Windsong Custom Hang Gliders and Surfboards
← See How She Runs | Up the Rebels → |
Hawaii Five-O – See How She Runs
Season 9 (Episode 22)
Air Date: 31 March 1977
Writer: Anne Collins
Director: Harvey Laidman
Guest Stars
Jessica Harper (Sunny Mandell), Biff McGuire (Babe Mandell), Steve Carlson (Osiris), Lynn Ellen Hollinger (Liana), Kwan Hi Lim (Maiki), Roland Nip (Cloud), Ehukai Teves (Rainbow), Luella Costello (Mariah), Jim McInerny (Tourist), Teri Foster Brooks (Rhyme), Logan Clarke (Hippie), Roland Naauao (H.P.D. Officer), Valerie Charles (Karma), Jack Hisatake (Disco Owner), Terrance Paul (Young Man), Paul Shenar (Todd Daniels)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0621
← Requiem for a Saddle Bronc Rider | Practical Jokes Can Kill You → |
Hawaii Five-O – Requiem for a Saddle Bronc Rider
Season 9 (Episode 21)
Air Date: 24 March 1977
Writer: Herman Groves
Director: Harry Harris
Guest Stars
George DiCenzo (Jessup), Nicholas Hammond (Calvin), Rod Aiu (Possum), Al Lopaka (Billy), Audrey Meyers (Lani), Jim Doney (Doctor), Leinaala Heine (Mrs. Kapalii), Roland Naauao (Lt. Matsu), Carole Kai (Alakai), Elsie Russell (Rodeo Cashier), Sam Peters (Bus Driver), Virginia Dunlap (Tourist), Rusty Jones (Slim), Victoria Racimo (Susie)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0615
Episode Notes
- Location: Waimanalo Rodeo Grounds
← To Kill a Mind | See How She Runs → |
Hawaii Five-O – To Kill a Mind
Season 9 (Episode 20)
Air Date: 17 March 1977
Writer: Stephen Kandel
Director: Gordon Hessler
Recurring Actors/Characters
Pat Hingle (Grant Ormsbee)
Guest Stars
Laura Campbell (Margaret Hammond), Keith McConnell (Carl Reed), Bill Langenheim (David Hammond), Pauly Gardner (Cathy Doar), Bucklind Beery (Larsen), Tommy Fujiwara (Sergeant Mirataki), Debi Parker (Melissa), Dean Melang (Commander Miller), Bob Turnbull (Captain Morelli), Mel Ferrer (Emil Radick)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0616
← Blood Money is Hard to Wash | Requiem for a Saddle Bronc Rider → |
Hawaii Five-O – Blood Money Is Hard to Wash
Season 9 (Episode 19)
Air Date: 3 March 1977
Teleplay: Bill Stratton
Story: Curtis Kenyon
Director: Allen Reisner
Recurring Actors/Characters
Richard Denning (The Governor), Harry Endo (Che Fong)
Guest Stars
Dane Clark (Victor Jovanko), Jo Anne Worley (Anna Jovanko), John Duke Russo (Albert Jovanko), Jim Demarest (Nathan Miller), Lee Stetson (Ed Gurney), Terry Takada (Josan), Clayton Naluai (Frankie Apollo), Ed Sheehan (Burt Davis), Tommy Fujiwara (Dr. Carruthers), E. Lynne Kimoto (Lani), John Allen (Charlie Steadman), Gary Kau (Messenger), Jean Tarrant (Mrs. Stevens), Terry Kiser (Augie)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0622
Episode Notes
- Location: Aloha Stadium
← To Die in Paradise | To Kill a Mind → |
Hawaii Five-O – To Die in Paradise
Season 9 (Episode 18)
Air Date: 24 February 1977
Writer: Bill Stratton
Director: Joe Manduke
Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong)
Guest Stars
Pamela Franklin (Bobbie Jo), Stephen Young (Quincy), Tommy Leonetti (Stanley Ducco), Kevin Coates (Colin Lamb), Winston Char (Store Owner), Robert Lee (Kauai Police Captain), Judy Cannon (Hotel Clerk), Donald Carter (Commander Devons), Lee Woodd (Dock Guard), Lee Jay Lambert (Bible Jim), Mary Taylor (Amanda), Jane Page Goo (Young Girl), E.H. Marc Baxley (Cab Driver), Christopher Connelly (Dennis)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0603
Episode Notes
- Location: Ambassador Hotel of Waikiki
← A Capitol Crime | Blood Money is Hard to Wash → |
Hawaii Five-O – A Capitol Crime
Season 9 (Episode 17)
Air Date: 17 February 1977
Teleplay: Bill Stratton
Story: James Menzies
Director: Sutton Roley
Recurring Actors/Characters
Richard Denning (The Governor)
Guest Stars
Barnard Hughes (Clinton Palmer), Dick Davalos (Hawley), Jimmy Borges (Himself), Don Rockwell (Richard Wallenbeck), Harry Chang (Stage Manager), Bill Bigelow (Mr. Kirsten), Edward Fernandez (Captain Matthews), Elsie Russell (Mrs. Nichols), Wayne Oxford (Husband), Daniel Taba (Bomb Expert), Sutton Roley (Judge Thorenson), Sharon Farrell (Mary Beth)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0624
← Dealer’s Choice…..Blackmail | To Die in Paradise → |
Hawaii Five-O – Dealer’s Choice…..Blackmail
Season 9 (Episode 16)
Air Date: 3 February 1977
Writer: Tim Maschler
Director: Ernest Pintoff
Recurring Actors/Characters
Amanda McBroom (Sandi Welles)
Guest Stars
John Ritter (Mike Welles), Nehemiah Persoff (Victor Palua), John Duke Russo (Willy Vance), Rap Reiplinger (Stu Hinman), John Kameenui (Doorman), Merrie Lueders (Lady Tourist), Ernest Chan (Sgt. George Tatupu), Emma Veary (Rose Tatupu), Deborah Takushi (Palua’s Secretary), Robert Luck (Garage Attendant), Earl Kingston (Joey), Michael Morgan (Sammy Crane), Jorie Remus (Margie Clayton), Rodney Arias (Jimmy Tanaka), Reri Jobe (Ellie Jacobs), H. Lee (Gambler), Joe Moore (Jed Rucker)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0605
Episode Notes
- Business: Surf and Sand International
← Elegy in a Rainforest | A Capitol Crime → |
Hawaii Five-O – Elegy in a Rain Forest
Season 9 (Episode 15)
Air Date: 27 January 1977
Writer: Herman Groves
Director: Sutton Roley
Recurring Actors/Characters
Glenn Cannon (Manicote)
Guest Stars
William Watson (Marcus Lucien), Edward Gallardo (David), Randy Ruff (Rich), Lee Woodd (Second Guard), Robert Silva (Prison Van Driver), Harry Williams (Sancho), Francis Kamahele (Jerry), Lauren Levian (Niami), Chuck Couch (First Guard), Beau Vanden Ecker (Homer Wamano), Laurie Prange (Karen Manicote)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0620
← Ready, Aim….. | Dealer’s Choice…..Blackmail → |
Hawaii Five-O – Ready, Aim…..
Season 9 (Episode 14)
Air Date: 20 January 1977
Writer: Tim Maschler
Director: Jerry London
Guest Stars
France Nuyen (Iso), Manu Topou (Nahashi), Edward James Olmos (Dancer), Jimmy Borges (Robert Makala), Nana Nakano (Iso’s Little Girl), Francis Yoshida (Japanese Hood), Rod Aiu (Informant), Brian Fong (Cook), Peggy Anne Siegmund (Nurse), John Stalker (Mr. Hodges), Carl Smith (Junk Yard Attendant), Roger Perry (Morrison)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0623
Episode Notes
- Location: Tokyo, Japan
← Man in a Steel Frame | Elegy in a Rainforest → |
Hawaii Five-O – Man in a Steel Frame
Season 9 (Episode 13)
Air Date: 13 January 1977
Writer: Robert Stambler
Director: Allen Reisner
Recurring Actors/Characters
Glenn Cannon (Manicote), Harry Endo (Che Fong)
Guest Stars
Camilla Sparv (Cathi Ryan), Jonathan Goldsmith (Malcolm Vaughn), Terry Plunkett (Lt. Matsuda), Kimo Kahoano (Yoshi), Danny Kamekona (Charlie Ing), Mike Steele (Car Rental Manager), Fred Ball (Desk Clerk), Rodney Arias (Maui Police Officer), Alan Naluai (Sam Wailua), Elissa Dulce Hoopai (Nali), Ernest Chan (HPD Duty Officer), Michael Hasegawa (Locker Room Attendant)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0619
← The Bells Toll at Noon | Ready, Aim….. → |