Maverick (Main Character)
Season 1
- Stays at the same hotel in Denver that Bret is staying at (Rage for Vengeance)
- Was a galvanised Yankee (The Savage Hills)
- Joined the Union Army as an Indian fighter for two years at the end of the Civil War so that he didn’t have to rot in jail (Trail West to Fury)
- Comes from Texas (Trail West to Fury)
Season 2
- When he was younger he worked as a trail boss (Yellow River)
- Promised his father that he wouldn’t marry until he was 38 (Brasada Spur)
- It’s been about four or five months since Bart has seen Cindy (Passage to Fort Doom)
Season 3
- Uses the alias Dandy Jim Buckley (Pappy)
- Uncle: Bentley Maverick – his father’s brother (Pappy)
- According to his brother Bret, he only swindles swindlers (The Misfortune Teller)
Season 4
- Uncle: Micah Maverick (The Maverick Line)
- Spends some time in Abilene while Brent is in Sunburst (The Forbidden City)
Season 5
Bret Maverick → |