Victoria Barkley (Miss Barbara Stanwyck)

The Big Valley (Main Character)

Appears in 104 (out of 112) episodes.

Barbara Stanwyck

Season 1

  • Married to Tom Barkley for over 25 years (Boots With My Father’s Name)
  • Has a sister that lives in Denver (The Death Merchant)
  • Father died in a mine accident (Tunnel of Gold)



Barbara Stanwyck

Season 2

  • Thirty years earlier her beau was David Wyncop (Image of Yesterday)




Barbara Stanwyck

Season 3

  • Judge Lansbury took her to her first dance when they were both young (Fall of a Hero)




Barbara Stanwyck

Season 4

Heath Barkley (Lee Majors)

The Big Valley (Main Character)

Appears in 96 (out of 112) episodes.

Lee Majors

Season 1

  • Mother died one before the events in Palms of Glory
  • Is 24 years old (Palms of Glory)
  • Home Town: Strawberry (Palms of Glory)
  • Mother’s name was Leah (Boots With My Father’s Name)
  • Uncle: Matt Simmons – Leah’s brother (Boots With My Father’s Name)
  • Aunt: Martha Simmons – Matt’s wife (Boots With My Father’s Name)
  • Spent 7 months in Carterson Prison during the Civil War (The Guilt of Matt Bentell)
  • Participated in the Lincoln County Wars (The Death Merchant)

Lee Majors

Season 2

  • Mother’s name was Leah Thomson. She was born in 1830 and died in 1872 (The Lost Treasure)
  • The name of his horse is Charger (The Stallion)



The Big Valley

Season 3

Lee Majors

Season 4

Nick Barkley (Peter Breck)

The Big Valley (Main Character)

Appears in 99 (out of 112) episodes.

Peter Breck Gallery

Peter Breck

Season 1

  • Was with the 104th at Benton’s Crossing for 6 days during the Civil War (Forty Rifles)
  • Has known Mariano Montoya since he was 10 years old (The Way to Kill a Killer)
  • Got trapped in a mine shaft when he was 16 years old (Night of the Wolf)
  • First visited Willow Springs when he was 18 years old (Night of the Wolf)


Peter Breck

Season 2

  • It has been eight years since Nick has seen General Alderson (Court Martial)
  • Was General Alderson’s aide during the Civil War (Court Martial)
  • His rank in the army was lieutenant (Court Martial)



Peter Breck

Season 3

  • Full name: Nicholas Jonathan Barkley (Ladykiller)




Peter Breck

Season 4

  • The name of his horse is Coco (Hunter’s Moon)

Jarrod Barkley (Richard Long)

The Big Valley (Main Character)

Appears in 98 (out of 112) episodes

Richard Long

Season 1

  • Was born two weeks early (My Son, My Son)
  • Is about 4 years older than Nick (By Fires Unseen)
  • Former law school classmate – Brett Schuyler (A Time to Kill)
  • Has been a lawyer for at least nine years (Under a Dark Star)
  • Full name: Jarrod Thomas Barkley (Under a Dark Star)
  • Went to law school with Phil Archer (Into the Widow’s Web)

Richard Long
Season 2

Richard Long

Season 3

  • Went to the same law school as Jim Scanlon (Time After Midnight)
  • Served as Assistant District Attorney when he was younger (Time After Midnight)
  • Acting District Attorney (Time After Midnight)
  • Went to Law School with Nathan Springer (Fall of a Hero)

Richard Long

Season 4

  • Is the legal guardian of Laura Hayden (The Royal Road)