Art Director
- George Patrick: all except for Big Image….Little Man and You Take the High Road
- Howard Johnson: Big Image….Little Man
- George Chan: You Take the High Road
Assistant Director
- John Clarke Bowman: Ryker; Felicity’s Spring
- Jack Doran: Dark Challenge; A Father for Toby
- Charles S. Gould: The Stallion; The Hero
- Frank Losee: The Brazos Kid; A Slight Case of Charity
- Ben Bishop: Big Image….Little Man; The Girl from Yesterday; The Hour of the Tiger; Two Men Named Laredo
- Les Berke: Return a Stranger; Six Graves at Cripple Creek
- Henry Kline: All Nice and Legal; Portrait of a Widow; Hideout; Lost Yesterday; Legend for a Lawman; Dangerous Road; We’ve Lost a Train
- Chuck Colman: A Gallows for Sam Horn
- Michael Messinger: The Payment; Shadows of the Past
- Ray Taylor, Jr.: A Man of the People; You Take the High Road
- Lou Watt: Timberland
- George Bisk: Farewell to Honesty
- Edward K. Dodds: Old Cowboy
- Chuck Colean: Showdown
Color Consultant
- Alex Quiroga
Costume Supervisor
- Vincent Dee
Director of Photography
- Benjamin H. Kline: Ryker; The Stallion; The Hero; Felicity’s Spring; The Brazos Kid; Big Image….Little Man; A Father for Toby; All Nice and Legal; A Gallows for Sam Horn; Portrait of a Widow; Two Men Named Laredo; Hideout; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; A Slight Case of Charity; You Take the High Road; Shadows of the Past; Legend for a Lawman; Timberland; Farewell to Honesty; Showdown; We’ve Lost a Train
- Walter Strenge: Dark Challenge
- Ray Rennahan: The Girl from Yesterday; Return a Stranger; A Man of the People; The Hour of the Tiger; Dangerous Road; Old Cowboy
- John L. Russell: The Payment
- Monroe Askins: Lost Yesterday
Editorial Department Head
- David J. O’Connell
Film Editor
- Edward Biery: Ryker; Dark Challenge; The Hero; Big Image….Little Man; A Gallows for Sam Horn; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; Old Cowboy; We’ve Lost a Train
- Edward Haire: The Stallion; Felicity’s Spring; A Father for Toby; All Nice and Legal; Portrait of a Widow; The Payment; A Man of the People; Hideout; Lost Yesterday; Shadows of the Past; Timberland; Farewell to Honesty; Showdown
- Richard G. Wray: The Brazos Kid
- Robert Watts: The Girl from Yesterday; Return a Stranger; The Hour of the Tiger; Two Men Named Laredo; Legend for a Lawman; Dangerous Road
- John Joyce: Six Graves at Cripple Creek; You Take the High Road
- George J. Nicholson: A Slight Case of Charity
Hair Stylist
- Larry Germain: Ryker; Dark Challenge; The Stallion; The Hero; Felicity’s Spring; The Brazos Kid; Big Image….Little Man; A Father for Toby; Return a Stranger; All Nice and Legal; The Hour of the Tiger; Two Men Named Laredo; Timberland; Dangerous Road; Farewell to Honesty; Old Cowboy; Showdown
- Virginia Darcy: The Girl from Yesterday; A Gallows for Sam Horn; Portrait of a Widow; The Payment; A Man of the People; Hideout; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; Lost Yesterday; A Slight Case of Charity; You Take the High Road; Shadows of the Past; Legend for a Lawman; We’ve Lost a Train
- Bud Westmore
- Sidney Fine: The Hero
- Harry Sukman: A Father for Toby
Musical Supervision
- Stanley Wilson
Music Score
- Sidney Fine: Ryker; Dark Challenge
- Leo Shuken: The Stallion
- Jack Hayes: The Stallion
- Lynn Murray: The Brazos Kid
- Van Cleave: All Nice and Legal
- Jack Marshall: We’ve Lost a Train
Produced by
- Joel Rogosin: Ryker; The Brazos Kid; A Gallows for Sam Horn; A Slight Case of Charity
- Winston Miller: Dark Challenge; Felicity’s Spring; A Father for Toby; Return a Stranger; All Nice and Legal; Portrait of a Widow; A Man of the People; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; Lost Yesterday; Shadows of the Past; Dangerous Road; We’ve Lost a Train
- Frank Telford: The Stallion; The Hero; Big Image….Little Man; The Girl from Yesterday; The Hour of the Tiger; Legend for a Lawman; Farewell to Honesty; Old Cowboy
- Cy Chermak: The Payment; Two Men Named Laredo; Hideout; You Take the High Road; Timberland
- Gene L. Coon: Showdown
Set Decorators
- John McCarthy
- Perry Murdock: Ryker; Dark Challenge; The Stallion; The Hero; The Brazos Kid; Big Image….Little Man; A Father for Toby; All Nice and Legal; The Hour of the Tiger
- James M. Walters(, Sr.): Felicity’s Spring; The Girl from Yesterday; Return a Stranger; A Gallows for Sam Horn; Portrait of a Widow; The Payment; Two Men Named Laredo; Hideout; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; A Slight Case of Charity; You Take the High Road; Shadows of the Past; Legend for a Lawman; Timberland; Dangerous Road; Farewell to Honesty; Old Cowboy; Showdown; We’ve Lost a Train
- George Milo: A Man of the People
- Clarence Steensen: Lost Yesterday
- Frank H. Wilkinson: Ryker; The Stallion; The Hero; The Brazos Kid; Big Image….Little Man; A Father for Toby; A Man of the People; We’ve Lost a Train
- David H. Moriarty: Dark Challenge; Felicity’s Spring; Portrait of a Widow
- Robert Bertrand: The Girl from Yesterday
- Earl Crain, Jr.: Return a Stranger; Hideout; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; You Take the High Road; Shadows of the Past; Legend for a Lawman; Timberland; Farewell to Honesty; Old Cowboy; Showdown
- Ed Somers: All Nice and Legal; The Hour of the Tiger; Two Men Named Laredo; A Slight Case of Charity
- William Russell: A Gallows for Sam Horn; Dangerous Road
- James T. Porter: The Payment
- Clarence Peterson: Lost Yesterday
Story Editor
- Cy Chermak: Ryker; Dark Challenge; The Stallion; The Hero; Felicity’s Spring; The Brazos Kid; Big Image….Little Man; A Father for Toby; The Girl from Yesterday; Return a Stranger; All Nice and Legal; A Gallows for Sam Horn; Portrait of a Widow; A Man of the People; The Hour of the Tiger; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; Lost Yesterday; A Slight Case of Charity; Shadows of the Past; Legend for a Lawman; Dangerous Road; Farewell to Honesty; Old Cowboy; Showdown; We’ve Lost a Train
Supervising Producer
- Joel Rogosin: Hideout; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; Lost Yesterday; You Take the High Road; Shadows of the Past; Legend for a Lawman; Timberland; Farewell to Honesty; Old Cowboy; Showdown
Executive Producer: Frank Price
Virginian Theme: Percy Faith
Color by Pathé
The title “The Virginian” by permission of EMKA, LTD
Filmed at the Studios of Universal City
Episodes Copyright: 1964 (1-18, 21) – 1965 (19-20, 22-30)
MCA-TV Exclusive Distributor
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