Season 5 (Episode 7)
Air Date: 24 October 1972
Writer: Jerome Coopersmith
Director: Ron Winston
A government health official is found murdered and as Five-O follow the trail of what he did on his final day, they find it leads to a young girl who works for an up-and-coming politician.
Recurring Actors/Characters
Al Eben (Doc), Harry Endo (Che Fong)
Guest Stars
Linden Chiles (James Trevor Warren), Lou Frizzell (Mr. Rynak), Mary Frann (Jean Holland), Judi Meredith (Paula Warren), Dirk Benedict (Walter Clyman), Ray Buktenica (Billy Grunwald), Gaye Nelson (Linda Rynak), Jay Stewart (Marty), Ellen Blake (Sophie Norris), Electra Gailas Fair (Mrs. Rynak), Robert Gleason (Brandt), Bob Witthans (Boardman), William Valentine (Jacob Kalema)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1729-0407
Episode Notes
- The Five-0 office is located on the second floor of the Iolani Palace
- Locations: U.S. Public Health Service; County Morgue
- Government: Department of Health – Clinic Hours 7AM to 11PM – Outpatient Clinic
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