Season 7 (Episode 15)
Air Date: 14 January 1975
Teleplay: Tim Maschler
Story: Larry Brody and Tim Maschler
Director: Alf Kjellin
Recurring Actors/Characters
Glenn Cannon (Manicote), Herman Wedemeyer (Duke), Douglas Mossman (Frank Kamana), Al Eben (Doc)
Guest Stars
Jeff David (Charles Aarons), Robert F. Simon (Hugh Tilles), Edward Stephen Sheehan (Joseph Kehue), George Kennedy (Larry Fredericks), Albert M. Harris (Bowman), Alfred D. Goldman (Tony Tilles), David Lee Donnelly (Kinsell), Ava Lyn Readdy (Maureen), John A. Scott (Judge), Kathleen Paulo (Salesgirl), Norman E. Dupont (Curtis), Leslie T. Endo (Employee)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0514
Production Notes
- Al Harrington does not appear in this episode
- Production Assistance and Financial Consideration Furnished by United Air Lines
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