In the Heat of the Night – Conspiracy of One

In the Heat of the Night

Season 7 (Episode 17)

Air Date: 2 February 1994

Writer: Joe Gannon

Director: Joe Gannon


Recurring Actors/Characters
Tonea Stewart (Etta), Wilbur T. Fitzgerald (D.A. Darnelle), Wallace Merck (E.H ‘Holley’ Colmer), Dan Biggers (Dr. Robb), Howard Rollins (Virgil Tibbs), Dee Shaw (Dee Shepard), Barbara Lee-Belmonte (Deputy Surillo)

Guest Stars
Stephen Nichols (Chuck Booker), Tim Ware (Ben Taylor), Janice Marilyn Taylor (Abby Booker), Ginnie Randall (Judge Walker), Bill Whitworth (Goody Tate), Piper Howse (Corey Davies), John L. Webb (), Sharŕon Cain (Officer Brenda), Bob Bost (Minister), Karl Garnder (Deputy Walker), Leon LaMar (Nathan Bridges), Jacki Wilson (Phyllis Bridges), Reneé Porter (Mary Bridges)

Production Notes

  • Alan Autry does not appear in this episode


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