Hawaii Five-O – Death with Father

Death with Father

Season 6 (Episode 19)

Air Date: 22 January 1974

Writer: Anthony Lawrence

Director: Jack Lord

The son of an ex-cop is involved with the making and dealing of illicit drugs. The father is in denial until Five-O gives him proof that his son is working with an Asian crime syndicate. Realising his son is in trouble, the father takes drastic measures to save his son.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong), Herman Wedemeyer (Duke), Al Eben (Doc)

Guest Stars
Andrew Duggan (Cliff Morgan), Peter Strauss (Tom Morgan), Kwan Hi Lim (Lee Song), Seth Sakai (Luuse Ngu), Luella Costello (Janice Woo), George Kennedy (Lt. Parish), Richard Rivera (Ernie Fallon), Bernard Ching (Tallman)

Notable Guest Stars

Andrew DugganAndrew Duggan
Peter StraussPeter Strauss

Production Number: 1310-1729-0461

Episode Notes

  • Fallon was arrested on 28 September 1973
  • Locations: University of Hawaii – Chemistry Department; Queen Emma Clinics


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