Bonanza – Elegy for a Hangman

Elegy for a Hangman

Season 4 (Episode 17)

Air Date: 20 January 1963

Teleplay: E.M. Parsons and Shirl Hendryx

Story: E.M. Parsons

Director: Hollingsworth Morse

Adam gets involved in finding out the truth behind the hanging of Clay Jolley when the Judge who convicted Jolley and Jolley’s son both turn up in Virginia City.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)

Guest Stars
Keir Dullea (Bob Jolley), Otto Kruger (Judge “Hanging Harry” Whittaker), Kevin Hagen (Hobie Clinderman), William Zuckert (Senator Cal Prince), Ron Soble (Morton), Roy Engel (Dr. Paul Kay)

Notable Guest Stars

Keir DulleaKeir Dullea Kevin HagenKevin Hagen Otto KrugerOtto Kruger

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Adam
  • Saloon: The Silver Dollar