In the Heat of the Night – Epitaph for a Lady

Epitaph for a Lady

Season 3 (Episode 11)

Air Date: 16 January 1990

Writer: Steven Baum

Director: Vincent McEveety


Recurring Actors/Characters
Crystal Fox (Luann Corbin)

Guest Stars
James Greene (Amos Haber), Jonathan Ward (Raleigh Haber), Judson Vaughn (Nelson Haber), Joy Tracy (Lisa Haber), Georgia Allen (Roberta), Ginny Parker (Dorothy Haber), Ken Strong (Roy Chandler), Judith Robinson (Milly Turnby), Maury Covington (Dr. Preston), Lonnie Smith (Dr. John Turnby)

Notable Guest Stars

Jonathan WardJonathan Ward

Episode Notes

  • Location: Newton General Hospital


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