Season 6 (Episode 9)
Air Date: 6 November 1973
Teleplay: Norman Lessing
Story: Norman Lessing and Michael Adams
Director: Alf Kjellin
A local jewellery store is robbed while an Australian called Hobbs is negotiating a deal for some opals he has smuggled in. Hobbs wants the opals back and conducts his own investigation. Meanwhile Five-O is following their own leads and soon begin to suspect that they have missed something when one of the robbers turns up dead.
Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong), Al Eben (Doc), Herman Wedemeyer (Duke)
Guest Stars
Don Knight (Hobbs), Al Avalon (Webber), E. Lynne Kimoto (Miyoshi), George Herman (Hoffmeyer), Raul Rojas (Lee Franks), David Simmons (Jimmy Kulaani), Kenneth Ing (Haggai), Robert Basso (Jake), Warren Aki (Mechanic)
Production Number: 1310-1729-0463
Production Notes
- Production Assistance and Financial Consideration Furnished by United Airlines
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