Hawaii Five-O – Forty Feet High and It Kills!

Forty Feet High and It Kills!

Season 2 (Episode 3)

Air Date: 8 October 1969

Teleplay: Robert C. Dennis

Story: Ed Lasko and Robert C. Dennis

Director: Michael O’Herlihy

When a tsumani alert turns out to be a false alarm, Five-O finds out that it was a ruse to kidnap a prominent genetics scientist. Five-O has to find the scientist before he disappears for good.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Khigh Dhiegh (Wo Fat), Peggy Ryan (Jenny)

Guest Stars
Will Geer (Professor Harold Lochner), Sabrina Scharf (Victoria Lochner), William F. Bigelow II (John Padway), Wright Esser (Dr. Michael Crighton), Winston Char (First Chinese), Gary Ah Vah (Second Chinese), Milton Mau (Third Chinese), Bill Fong (Fourth Chinese); Herman Wedemeyer (Alert Announcer)

Notable Guest Stars

Will GeerWill Geer Sabrina ScharfSabrina Scharf

Production Number: 1729-0260

Episode Notes

  • Location: Makaha Valley Weather Tracking Station