Season 6 (Episode 19)
Air Date: 24 January 1968
Teleplay: Don Tait
Story: Abe Polsky and Gil Lasky
Director: Tony Leader
Recurring Actors/Characters
Dick Shane (Dick), Harper Flaherty (Harper)
Guest Stars
Anthony Call (Val Tussey), Darwin Joston (Dan Moss), Don Pedro Colley (Ira Diller), Wesley Lau (Hoyt), James Griffith (Kyle Spanner), William Fawcett (Telegrapher), Gail Bonney (Lady), Burt Mustin (Pops), Paul Comi (Warden George Keane)
Production Notes
- Doug McClure does not appear in this episode
- Introducing Jean Peloquin singing Mr. Painter
- Final appearance of Clu Gulager as Emmett Ryker
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