Other Recurring Characters
Che Fong (Harry Endo)
Highest Castle, Deepest Grave; No Bottles…No Cans…No People; Wednesday, Ladies Free; Two Doves and Mr. Heron; Air Cargo – Dial for Murder; The Burning Ice; Is This Any Way to Run a Paradise?; Bait Once, Bait Twice; The Ninety-Second War Part I; Skinhead; While You’re At It, Bring in the Moon; Cloth of Gold; Didn’t We Meet at a Murder?; Follow the White Brick Road; R & R & R
Doc Bergman (Al Eben)
Highest Castle, Deepest Grave; No Bottles…No Cans…No People; Two Doves and Mr. Heron; The Burning Ice; Is This Any Way to Run a Paradise?; Bait Once, Bait Twice; The Ninety-Second War Part I; Cloth of Gold; Follow the White Brick Road; R & R & R
Jenny Sherman (Peggy Ryan)
- McGarrett’s Secretary
3,00 Crooked Miles to Honolulu; Two Doves and Mr. Heron; The Burning Ice; Rest In Peace, Somebody; Is This Any Way to Run a Paradise?; While You’re At It, Bring in the Moon; R & R & R
Governor (Richard Denning)
No Bottles…No Cans…No People; Rest In Peace, Somebody; The Ninety-Second War Part I; Follow the White Brick Road
John Manicote (Glenn Cannon)
- Assistant District Attorney (Bait Once, Bait Twice)
- Office Phone Number: 555 9100 (Bait Once, Bait Twice)
Bait Once, Bait Twice; Skinhead
Duke Lukela (Herman Wedemeyer)
…And I Want Some Candy and a Gun That Shoots; While You’re At It, Bring in the Moon; Good Night, Baby – Time to Die!