Other Recurring Characters
Che Fong (Harry Endo)
The Young Assassins; I’ll Kill ‘Em Again; Bomb, Bomb, Who’s Got the Bomb?; Right Grave – Wrong Body; We Hang Our Own; The Two-Faced Corpse; How to Steal a Masterpiece; Hara-Kiri: Murder; Bones of Contention; A Woman’s Work Is with a Gun; Small Witness, Large Crime; Ring of Life; Study in Rage; And the Horse Jumped Over the Moon; Hit Gun for Sale; 6,000 Deadly Tickets
Frank Kamana (Douglas Mossman)
How to Steal a Masterpiece; A Gun for McGarrett; Presenting…in the Center Ring… Murder; Bones of Contention; Computer Killer; A Woman’s Work Is with a Gun; Small Witness, Large Crime; Ring of Life; Study in Rage; And the Horse Jumped Over the Moon; Hit Gun for Sale; The Hostage; Diary of a Gun
Duke Lukela (Herman Wedemeyer)
Steal Now — Pay Later; How to Steal a Masterpiece; Presenting…in the Center Ring…Murder; Computer Killer; A Woman’s Work Is with a Gun; Small Witness, Large Crime; Study in Rage; Hit Gun for Sale; The Hostage; Diary of a Gun
Nick (Daniel Kamekona)
- HPD Officer
The Young Assassins; Bomb, Bomb, Who’s Got the Bomb?; Right Grave – Wrong Body; The Two-Faced Corpse; Welcome to Our Branch Office; Hara-Kiri: Murder; 6,000 Deadly Tickets
Doc Bergman (Al Eben)
I’ll Kill ‘Em Again; Right Grave – Wrong Body; The Two-Faced Corpse; Hara-Kiri: Murder; Computer Killer; Study in Rage; And the Horse Jumped Over the Moon
John Manicote (Glenn Cannon)
The Young Assassins; Welcome to Our Branch Office; Bones of Contention; Computer Killer; Hit Gun for Sale; Diary of a Gun
Governor (Richard Denning)
- Residence Number: 4659
The Young Assassins; A Hawaiian Nightmare; The Two-Faced Corpse; Presenting…in the Center Ring… Murder; Diary of a Gun
Jenny Sherman (Margaret ‘Peggy’ Sherman)
The Young Assassins; A Gun for McGarrett; Study in Rage; And the Horse Jumped Over the Moon; 6,000 Deadly Tickets
Jonathan Kaye (Bill Edwards)
Presenting…in the Center Ring…Murder; Bones of Contention