Other Recurring Characters
- Oscar Schnitzer (Walter Janowitz) – 2 episodes
Hilda (Sigrid Valdis)
Clearance Sale at the Black Market; How to Catch a Papa Bear; Hogan’s Trucking Service…We Deliver the Factory to You; Will the Blue Baron Strike Again?; Man in a Box; The Missing Klink; Operation Hannibal; Klink’s Old Flame; Up in Klink’s Room; The Purchasing Plan; The Return of Major Bonacelli; Happy Birthday, Dear Hogan
Major Wolfgang Hochstetter (Howard Caine)
Hogan’s Trucking Service…We Deliver the Factory to You; To the Gestapo with Love; No Names Please; Will the Real Colonel Klink Please Stand Up Against the Wall?; The Missing Klink; My Favorite Prisoner; The Purchasing Plan; The Witness; The Big Dish; The Return of Major Bonacelli; Happy Birthday, Dear Hogan
General Albert Burkhalter (Leon Askin)
Klink vs. the Gonculator; Man’s Best Friend Is Not His Dog; Color the Luftwaffe Red; Will the Real Colonel Klink Please Stand Up Against the Wall?; The Missing Klink; Who Stole My Copy of Mein Kampf?; Watch the Trains Go By; Klink’s Old Flame; The Purchasing Plan