In the Heat of the Night – Home is Where the Heart is

In the Heat of the Night

Season 3 (Episode 17)

Air Date: 6 March 1990

Teleplay: Edward DeBlasio and Mark Rodgers

Story: Matt Harris

Director: Leo Penn


Recurring Actors/Characters
Dan Biggers (Dr. Robb), Wilbur Fitzgerald (D.A. Darnelle), Crystal Fox (Luann Corbin)

Guest Stars
Diane Ladd (Maybelle), Levi Lee (Reverend Soames), Bonnie Cook (Beverly Soames), Banks Harper (Joelle/Hannah), Shilla Benning (Nana Beety), Wallace Wilkinson (Sheriff Dukes), Ted Mansion (Mr. Halloran), Mary Dosler (Mrs. Halloran), Gerald McCullouch (Tom), Haynes Brooke (Driver)

Production Notes

  • Carroll O’Connor wrote the story for this episode using the pseudonym Matt Harris


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