Other Recurring Characters
LuAnn Corbin (Crystal Fox)
A Woman Much Admired; Baby for Sale; Obsession; Liar’s Poker; Ruda’s Awakening; The More Things Change; Sparta Gold; The Littlest Victim; The Landlord; Love, Honor and Obey; Odessa; A Time to Trust; By Means Most Foul; Trundel’s Will Be Done; Family Reunion
Etta Kibbee (Tonea Stewart)
Baby for Sale; Ruda’s Awakening; Unfinished Business; The Landlord; Fool for Love; Odessa; By Means Most Foul; Trundel’s Will Be Done; Family Reunion
Harriet DeLong (Denise Nicholas)
A Woman Much Admired; Liar’s Poker; The More Things Change; The Landlord; Odessa; Trundel’s Will Be Done
D.A. Gerard Darnelle (Wilbur Fitzgerald)
- Wife’s name is Faye (An Eye for an Eye)
- Daughter’s name is Becky (An Eye for an Eye)
Liar’s Poker; Unfinished Business; An Eye for an Eye; Odessa
Dr. Robb (Dan Biggers)
Liar’s Poker; Ruda’s Awakening; The Littlest Victim; Love, Honor and Obey; A Time to Trust; By Means Most Foul
Dee Shepard (Dee Shaw)
A Woman Much Admired; The Littlest Victim; The Landlord; A Time to Trust; By Means Most Foul; Trundel’s Will Be Done; Moseley’s Lot; Family Reunion
Ted Marcus (Thom Gossom Jr.)
A Woman Much Admired; Liar’s Poker; Odessa; Sanctuary; The Law on Trial