The Big Valley (Main Character)
Appears in 98 (out of 112) episodes
Season 1
- Was born two weeks early (My Son, My Son)
- Is about 4 years older than Nick (By Fires Unseen)
- Former law school classmate – Brett Schuyler (A Time to Kill)
- Has been a lawyer for at least nine years (Under a Dark Star)
- Full name: Jarrod Thomas Barkley (Under a Dark Star)
- Went to law school with Phil Archer (Into the Widow’s Web)
Season 2
Season 3
- Went to the same law school as Jim Scanlon (Time After Midnight)
- Served as Assistant District Attorney when he was younger (Time After Midnight)
- Acting District Attorney (Time After Midnight)
- Went to Law School with Nathan Springer (Fall of a Hero)
Season 4
- Is the legal guardian of Laura Hayden (The Royal Road)
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