Hawaii Five-O – Leopard on the Rock

Leopard on the Rock

Season 2 (Episode 11)

Air Date: 3 December 1969

Writer: Palmer Thompson

Director: Irving J. Moore

When the dictator of a small nation arrives unexpectedly in Hawaii, Five-O must deal with the man’s demands while keeping him safe from the exiles who want him dead.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Peggy Ryan (Jenny)

Guest Stars
Joe De Santis (Akbar Savang), Paul Stevens (Luang Korgo), Titos Vandis (Utomo Jhakal), Cynthia Hull (Banu Savang), Bruce Wilson (Malcolm Hood-Clovis), Bob Basso (Earl Walters), Ted Thorpe (Alec – Pilot), Daniel Ades (Meilang)

Notable Guest Stars

Joe De SantisJoe De Santis

Production Number: 1729-0263