In the Heat of the Night – Liar’s Poker

Liar's Poker

Season 5 (Episode 4)

Air Date: 29 October 1991

Writer: Mitchell Schneider

Director: Harry Harris


Recurring Actors/Characters
Denise Nicholas (Harriet DeLong), Crystal Fox (Luann), Wilbur Fitzgerald (D.A. Darnelle), Dan Biggers (Dr. Robb), Thom Gossom Jr. (Ted Marcus)

Guest Stars
Tippi Hedren (Annabelle Van Buren), John Saxon (Dalton Sacks), Kim Lankford (Tamara Pollard), Robert Colbert (Edgar Van Buren), David Dunard (Nolan Cantrell), Thom McFadden (Bryan Ogilvie), Kim Waltrip (Charlotte), Fred Pinkard (Cole Jackson), Cynthia Bond (Laverne Carter), Janet Gunn (Jessica), Joe Faust (Third Player)

Notable Guest Stars

Robert ColbertRobert Colbert
Tippi HedrenTippi Hedren
John SaxonJohn Saxon

Production Notes

  • Anne-Marie Johnson does not appear in this episode

Episode Notes

  • Location: Newton General Hospital
  • Business: Sparta Federal Bank


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