Other Recurring Characters
Jack Dalton (Bruce McGill)
Lost Love: Part 1; Lost Love: Part 2; Jack in the Box; The Odd Triple; Mask of the Wolf; Rock the Cradle
Nikki Carpenter (Elyssa Davalos)
- Full name: Nicole Anne Carpenter
- Brother: Danny Barrett (Fire and Ice)
- Widowed – husband was Adam Carpenter. He was killed in a car bombing in West Virginia on 14 March 1985 (Blow Out)
- Height: 5’10” Weight: 105 pounds (Blow Out)
- Address: 2723 Forster Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90068 (Blow Out)
- Apartment Number: 206 (The Negotiator)
- Phone Number: 555-3082 (Blow Out)
- Security Clearance: 6 (Blow Out)
- Date of Birth: 30 May 1959 (Blow Out)
- Place of Birth: Washington D.C. (Blow Out)
Fire and Ice; GX-1; The Widowmaker; Blow Out; The Negotiator