Art Director: Gibson Holley
Assistant Director
- Harry F. Hogan III: The Killer; Homecoming; My Friend, My Enemy; Decoy; Hunted; The Hostage; The Missile; The Field; The Catafalque; The Merchant
- Michael P. Schoenbrun: Flip Side; The Innocent; Flight; The Butterfly; The Amateur; The Rebel; Squeeze Play; Takeover; Cat’s Paw; Blast; Kitara; The Party
- Charles E. Dismukes: A Ghost Story
- Jim Merrick: all except A Ghost Story and The Party
- Betty Martin: A Ghost Story; The Party
Costume Supervisor Women: Dodie Schaefer
Director of Photography: Ronald W. Browne
Editorial Coordinator: Larry Mills
Film Editor
- David Wages: The Killer; The Innocent; The Butterfly; Hunted; Squeeze Play; The Hostage; Kitara; A Ghost Story
- John Loeffler: Flip Side; Homecoming; Decoy; The Amateur; Takeover; The Merchant
- Jerry Taylor: Flight; My Friend, My Enemy; The Rebel; Cat’s Paw; The Missile; Blast; The Catafalque
- Larry Strong: The Field; The Party
Hairstylist: Adele Taylor
Makeup Artist: Bob Dawn
Music Composed and Conducted by
- Lalo Schifrin: The Killer; Takeover
- Benny Golson: Flip Side; A Ghost Story
- Harry Geller: The Innocent
- Robert Prince: Homecoming
- Robert Drasnin: My Friend, My Enemy; The Butterfly
- Hugo Montenegro: The Rebel
- Richard Hazard: Kitara
Music Editor: Dan Carlin
Music Supervisor
- Kenyon Hopkins: all except Homecoming, The Butterfly, and The Rebel
- Leith Stevens: Homecoming; The Butterfly; The Rebel
Post Production Supervisor: John A. Fegan Jr
- Bruce Lansbury: The Killer; Flip Side; The Innocent; Homecoming; Flight; The Butterfly; Decoy; Hunted; The Rebel; Squeeze Play; The Hostage; The Missile; Blast; The Catafalque; A Ghost Story; The Party; The Merchant
- Laurence Heath: My Friend, My Enemy; The Amateur; Takeover; Cat’s Paw; The Field; Kitara
Production Coordinator
- Dale Tarter
- Mike Jarvis
Production Manager: Gordon A. Webb
Production Mixer: Dominick Gaffey
Property Master
- Robert O. Richards: The Amateur; The Field; Blast; Kitara; A Ghost Story; The Party
- Art Lipschultz: Squeeze Play; The Hostage; Takeover; Cat’s Paw; The Missile; The Catafalque; The Merchant
Re-recording Mixer: Joel Moss
Script Consultant
- Laurence Heath: The Killer; Flip Side; Homecoming; My Friend, My Enemy; The Butterfly; Decoy; The Rebel
Script Supervisor: Barbara Atkinson
Set Decorator: Lucien Hafley
Sound Editor
- Michael Colgan: The Killer; Flip Side; The Innocent; Homecoming; Flight; My Friend, My Enemy; The Butterfly; Decoy; The Rebel
- Frank R. White: The Amateur; Hunted; Squeeze Play; The Hostage; Takeover; Cat’s Paw; The Missile; The Field; Blast; The Catafalque; Kitara; A Ghost Story; The Party; The Merchant
Special Effects: Jonnie Burke
Story Consultant
- Laurence Heath: The Innocent; Flight; The Amateur; Hunted; Squeeze Play; The Hostage; Takeover; Cat’s Paw; The Missile; The Field; Blast; The Catafalque; Kitara; A Ghost Story; The Party; The Merchant
Supervising Costumer: Michael Tierney
Supervising Property Master
- Arthur Wasson: The Killer; Flip Side; The Innocent; Homecoming; Flight; My Friend, My Enemy; The Butterfly; Decoy; Hunted; The Rebel
Vehicle Coordinator: Ed Chamey
Created by Bruce Geller
Executive Producer: Bruce Geller
Associate Producer: Barry Crane
Executive in Charge of Production: Douglas S. Cramer
In Charge of Post Production: William Cairncross
Theme Music by Lalo Schifrin
Recorded by Glen Glenn Sound
Men’s Clothing Furnished by Worsted-Tex
Episodes Copyright: 1970 (1-16, 19-20, 23); 1971 (17-18, 21-22)
Paramount Pictures Corporation