Bonanza – Mrs. Wharton and the Lesser Breeds

Mrs. Wharton and the Lesser Breeds

Season 10 (Episode 17)

Air Date: 19 January 1969

Writer: Preston Wood

Director: Leon Benson


Recurring Actors/Characters
David Canary (Candy)

Guest Stars
Mildred Natwick (Elizabeth Catherine Wharton), Jess Pearson (Ed), Oren Stevens (Billy Buckman), Jeff Morris (Dunne), Chanin Hale (Laura Mae), J.S. Johnson (Carmody), Charles Bail (Reese), Ollie O’Toole (Bartender), Bill Beckett (Drummer)

Notable Guest Stars

Mildred NatwickMildred Natwick

Episode Notes

  • Featured Character: Candy


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