Season 6 (Episode 17)
Air Date: 8 January 1974
Writer: Alvin Sapinsley
Director: Charles Dubin
A group of con artists are fleecing various men who are vacationing in Hawaii. They soon come under Five-O’s radar when one of the wives of their marks reports them. The con artists continue to pull their cons unaware that Five-0 are slowly catching up.
Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong)
Guest Stars
Ed Flanders (Joe Connors), Michael Strong (Harry Maguire), Tommy Fujiwara (Sunada), Doug Mossman (Elfidio), James J. Borges (Big Mardo), Patricia Herman (Natalie Maguire), John Stalker (Alex Anderson), Peter Carew (George Heller), Connie Sawyer (Sylvia Heller), Dennis Chun (Attendant), Lynette Mettey (Cindy Imala)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0469
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