Season 6 (Episode 10)
Air Date: 22 November 1967
Writer: Richard Wendley
Director: Don McDougall
Recurring Actors/Characters
John McIntire (Clay Grainger), L.Q. Jones (Belden)
Guest Stars
James Whitmore (Ezra Hollis), Don Stroud (Frank Hollis), Robert Yuro (Aiken), Douglas Kennedy (Mr. Oliver), Hal Baylor (Bert), Robert Karnes (R. Jeffers), Ed Prentiss (Mr. Jenson), Cal Bartlett (Jim Reese)
Episode Notes
- Clu Gulager and Don Quine do not appear in this episode
- Even though Charles Bickford died on 9 November 1967, he continued to be credited for this and the following six episodes
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