Season 3 (Episode 13)
Air Date: 9 December 1964
Writers: Tom Blackburn and Lawrence Edward Watkin
Director: Don McDougall
Recurring Actors/Characters
L.Q. Jones (Belden), Roy Engel (Barney Wingate)
Guest Stars
Vera Miles (Maggie Menken), John Gavin (Charles Boulanger), Ann Doran (Reba), Michael Forest (George MacGregor), Pitt Herbert (The Clerk), David McMahon (The Conductor), Charles Horvath (Jesse Fairchild), Audrey Swanson (Mrs. Wingate), Ron Burke (The Cowhand)
Production Notes
- Doug McClure and Clu Gulager do not appear in this episode
Episode Notes
- Location: Wells Street Depot (Chicago)
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