Season 13 (Episode 4)
Air Date: 10 October 1971
Writer: Preston Wood
Story: Robert Vincent Wright
Director: Herschel Daugherty
Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)
Guest Stars
Patricia Harty (Cissy Porter), Edward Andrews (Bert), Ellen Moss (Elaine Summers), George Furth (Jim Pender), Ivor Francis (Charlie Spears), Al Checco (Rufus), Jack Manning (Henry Clagger), E.A. Sirianni (Lon Meecham), Darrell Sandeen (Mark), Remo Pisani (Joel Sawyer), Jan Burrell (Clara), Gillian Spencer (Edith), Helen Funai (Lim Toy), Joyce Perry (Roseann), Don Chuy (Matt Tait), Cindy Eilbacher (Cathie), Ralph James (Gambler)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Notes
- Most of the “babies” featured in this episode are lifelike dolls, thanks to union laws prohibiting babies from being under the camera lights for more than a few minutes a day.
Episode Notes
- Featured Cartwright: Hoss
- The first prize for the baby contest is $100
- This episode is set sometime after 1866
- The baby contest is being sponsored by the Virginia City Merchants Association
- Town: Grover’s Creek
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