Season 10 (Episode 10)
Air Date: 17 November 1968
Writer: William F. Leicester
Director: Robert L. Friend
Recurring Actors/Characters
David Canary (Candy), Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)
Guest Stars
Jack Kruschen (Giorgio Rossi), Brioni Farrell (Regina Rossi), Penny Santon (Maria Rossi), Michael Stefani (Lorenzo Rossi), Byron Morrow (Sam Kettle), Mark Tapscott (Sabin), Joaquin Martinez (Red Sky), Debra Domasin (Indian Girl), Pete Hernandez (Lame Dog)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Notes
- The third of three episodes centred on the Rossi family
Episode Notes
- Featured Cartwright: Ben
- Featured Character: Candy
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