Hawaii Five-O: Strangers in Our Own Land

Strangers in Our Own Land

Season 1 (Episode 3)

Air Date: 3 October 1968

Teleplay: John Kneubuhl and Herman Groves

Story: John Kneubuhl

Director: Herschel Daugherty

When a government official is murdered, Five-O is lead to believe that a young Hawaiian who is against development is responsible. As the case progresses, the team find out there is someone who is just as passionate about their native land.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Richard Denning (Governor), Maggi Parker (May)

Guest Stars
Simon Oakland (Benny Kalua), Milton Selzer (Lester Willighby), Hilo Hattie (Mrs. Kapali), Ann Barton (Mrs. Manu), Jeanne Bates (Grace Willis), Paul Kent (Milner), Milton Hibdon (Saunders), Danny Kaleikine (Kamala), Mary Liana Petranek (Leilani Kalua), Lord Kaulili (Nathan Manu)

Notable Guest Stars

Simon OaklandSimon Oakland
Milton SelzerMilton Selzer

Production Number: 1729-0203

Production Notes

  • Production assistance and consideration provided by United Air Lines

Episode Notes

  • Calendar: July 1968 (Kapali house)
  • Taxi: Hawaii Cab (Ph: 923879?)
  • Business: Hawaiian Hou
  • Location: Honolulu International Airport
  • Nathan Manu is the Land Commissioner


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