Hawaii Five-O – Ten Thousand Diamonds and a Heart

Ten Thousand Diamonds and a Heart

Season 3 (Episode 16)

Air Date: 6 January 1971

Writer: E. Arthur Kean

Director: Paul Stanley

Five-O try to find a criminal mastermind, who has escaped from police custody, before he pulls his next heist. The problem is that they don’t know when or where the heist will take place or who else is involved.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong)

Guest Stars
Tim O’Connor (Sheldon Orwell), Paul Stewart (Willard Lennox), Logan Ramsey (Edmund Putney), Norman DuPont (George Potter), John McCormick (Harding), Bruce Stillians (Meade), Mark Sebastian (Ogden), Ward Benson (Murray Olson), Wayne Oxford (Stanley Tripp), William Monteilh (Officer Burke), Leonard Jenkins (Lobby Guard), Michael Morgan (Exchange Room Guard), Edward Bush (H.P.D. Officer)

Notable Guest Stars

Tim O'ConnorTim O’Connor

Production Number: 1729-0318

Episode Notes

  • Location: Criminal Court – District of Honolulu; Diamond Exchange