Hawaii Five-O – Termination with Extreme Prejudice

Termination with Extreme Prejudice

Season 8 (Episode 3)

Air Date: 26 September 1975

Writer: Norman Lessing

Director: Michael O’Herlihy


Recurring Actors/Characters
Bill Edwards (Jonathan Kaye), Herman Wedemeyer (Duke)

Guest Stars
Dan O’Herlihy (Harry Wells), Murray Matheson (Lord Charles Danby), Kwan Hi Lim (Yuan Kee), Harry Chang (Wan Tai), John Hunt (Ed Sloane), Inny Young (Li Tsiang), Darrah Lau (Clerk), E. Lynne Kimoto (Receptionist), Juliet Mills (Lady Sybil Danby)

Notable Guest Stars

Murray MathesonMurray Matheson
Juliet MillsJuliet Mills
Dan O'HerlihyDan O’Herlihy

Production Number: 1310-1729-0554


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