The Saint – The Benevolent Burglary

The Benevolent Burglary

Season 2 (Episode 15)

Air Date: 26 December 1963

Screenplay: Larry Forrester

Director: Jeremy Summers


Guest Stars
John Barne (Elliot Vascoe), Gary Cockerell (Bill Fulton), Rachel Gurney (Delphine Chambers), Suzanne Neve (Meryl Vascoe), Raymond Adamson (Jules Brant), Arnold Diamond (Colonel Latignant), Allan McClelland (Morgan Dean), Barry Keegan (Martin Grahame), Henry Vidon (Peter Daves), Neal Arden (Deslauriers), Ian Parson (Henri), Richard Clarke (Jacques), Ivor Salter (Germaine), Andre Maranne (Radio Operator)

Production Notes

  • Based on the original story by Leslie Charteris

Episode Notes

  • Location: Monte Carlo


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