Hawaii Five-O: The Big Aloha

The Big Aloha

Season 10 (Episode 13)

Air Date: 12 January 1978

Writer: Gerry Day

Director: Marc Daniels


Recurring Actors/Characters
Richard Denning (Governor)

Guest Stars
Lara Parker (Julie Kincaid Trahune), Cal Bellini (Dr. John Palahana), Eleanor Parker (Constance Kincaid), John Reilly (Kelly Trahune), Harold Iseke (Pete Laua), Yankee Chang (Akino), Irmgard Aluli (Mamu), Scott Kingston (Kai), Carleton Smith (Weaver)

Notable Guest Stars

Eleanor ParkerEleanor Parker
John ReillyJohn Reilly

Production Number: 1310-1729-0716

Episode Notes

  • Locations: Kincaid Ranch Hospital; Royal Hong Kong Police Headquarters


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