Season 2 (Episode 24)
Air Date: 4 March 1961
Writer: Ward Hawkins
Director: Robert Gordon
Adam’s best friend, Ross Marquette starts acting strangely and violently towards his wife, Delphine. Adam brings Delphine back to the Ponderosa and tries to find out if his friend is in trouble. Meanwhile, cattle have been going missing and the trail leads to Marquette. After a tragic event, Adam has no choice but to hunt him down.
Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Sheriff Roy Coffee)
Guest Stars
James Coburn (Ross Marquette), Ce Ce Whitney (Delphine Marquette), Ned Florey (Monk Hartley), Dean Stanton (Billy), James Anderson (Sam), Joe di Reda (Minister Joe), Roy Engel (Doctor Paul), Donald Foster (Mr. Begley), John Mitchum (Jake), Rush Williams (Matthew)
Notable Guest Stars

Episode Notes
- Featured Cartwright: Adam
- The Ponderosa brand is seen for the first time – a pine tree
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