Season 6 (Episode 25)
Air Date: 13 March 1968
Writer: Richard Carr
Director: Darrell Hallenbeck
Recurring Actors/Characters
Harper Flaherty (Harper)
Guest Stars
Kenneth Tobey (Dan Porter) Monica Lewis (Emily Porter), Steve Carlson (Deputy Sheriff Frank North), Ben Murphy (Wes Manning), Lawrence Dane (Tasker), Than Wyenn (Morgan), Chuck Courtney (Carmody), Lew Brown (1st Cowboy), Quent Sondergaard (2nd Cowboy), John Cliff (Yancy Man)
Production Notes
- John McIntire, Clu Gulager and Sara Lane do not appear in this episode
- Final appearance of Don Quine as Stacy Grainger
Episode Notes
- Town: Macon City
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