Hawaii Five-O – The Diamond That Nobody Stole

The Diamond That Nobody Stole

Season 5 (Episode 23)

Air Date: 6 March 1973

Writer: John Furia Jr.

Director: Charles Dubin

When an unique necklace turns up at the pawn shop of a local fence, Five-O finds out that the owner is the wife of international trader Djebara, who also happens to be a foreign agent. Djebara is involved in negotiations with the Russians to sell a roll of film containing schematics of a polaris missile – a roll of film that was also stolen at the same time as the necklace.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong)

Guest Stars
Eric Braeden (Djebara), Beulah Quo (Madame Souvang), Frank Trott (Sam York), Melvin Cobb (Willard S. Allen), Mitch Mitchell (Cmdr. Hughes), John Stalker (Pale Man), Darrall Lau (Christina Djebara), Deborah Berger (Michi Djebara), Herbert Jeffries (Professor Kung), David Lippy Espinada (Joe Surigao)

Notable Guest Stars

Eric BraedenEric Braeden
Beulah QuoBeulah Quo

Production Number: 1729-0406


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